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谁能帮我译一下摘 要摘 要实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是中央总揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大决策.西部农业开发

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 10:54:48
谁能帮我译一下摘 要
摘 要
谁能帮我译一下摘 要摘 要实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是中央总揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大决策.西部农业开发
Implementation of the western development strategy, speed up the development of central and western China, the central controlling the overall situation, Facing the new century, a major decision. Agricultural development in the western development of the western region occupies an important position. The western development strategy and the implementation of the western region's agricultural and rural economic development has provided a rare opportunity. To accelerate the region's agricultural and rural economic development, Western Development rural development goals, positioning is a matter concerning the overall problem. The state has made clear that the western development is not an overnight thing, but a long-term strategic task, generations need to be done to complete the great cause. Therefore, the development of the western region is essential to locate the target. Now to talk about development of the western region is more of the protection of the ecological environment and infrastructure construction. Surely, these are very important, but the development of the western region is not just these two targets. State implementation of the western development is the overall goal of the western region to promote economic and social development, the western region to improve the people's living standards and quality of life, promoting the coordinated development of the country. Specifically, the western rural development should adhere to the ecological environment, economic development and social development in a three-dimensional targets. From the perspective of comparative cost analysis, China's agriculture not only do not have a clear comparative advantage, and the development of a modern agricultural conditions are relatively poor, in the face of fierce international competition, China's agriculture has obviously in a disadvantageous situation, how to reverse the passive, comparative advantages into play before us in a practical problem. This paper from China's agricultural advantages and disadvantages, China's agriculture leads to the micro-system reforms and market-oriented development direction, that the government should avoid excessive intervention, technology and R & D investment is the future development of China's agriculture to survive.
谁能帮我译一下摘 要摘 要实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是中央总揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大决策.西部农业开发 实施西部大开发战略是党中央面向21世纪的重大决策,西部地区占我国国土面积的2/5,我国国土面积约960万 实施西部大开发是党中央面向21世界的重大决策,西部地区占我国国土面积的23,我国国土的面积约为960万平方千米,用科学记 为什么要实施西部大开发的战略? 1、体现“共同富裕政策”的时事政治有哪些?例:中央实施西部大开发战略(举4个)2、体现中共始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要 实施西部大开发,西部是最大的受益者,在这个机遇面前西部人需要树立“国家政策引导,开发市场运作”这样的机遇观.西部开发必须 为什么要实施西部大开发战略 初中历史题:20世纪80年代,我国为加快发展高技术而作出的重大决策是什么? 在西部大开发战略中,四川,云南和贵州一带都是属于西部.你知道这些地区最早得到开发是在 中央提出西部大开发的战略决策时,十分强调在开发的同时要保护西部的生态.下列观点中,不代表我国政府观点的是(  ) 英语翻译实施西部大开发战略是党中央高瞻远瞩,审时度势,把握全局,提出的一项面向二十一世纪的战略决策,是造福中华民族子孙万 西部各省区政府如何行使职能实施西部大开发战略