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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 07:08:01
Eleven-year-old Angela had something wrong with her nervous system(神经系统).She was unable to 36. In fact,she could hardly make any 37.Although she believed that she had a 38 chance of recovering,the doctors said that 39,if any,could come back to normal after getting this disease.Having heard this,the little girl was not 40.There,lying in her hospital bed,she 41 that no matter what the doctors said,her going back to school was 42. She was moved to a specialized health center,and whatever method could be tried was used.Still she would not 43.It seemed that she was 44.The doctors were all fond of her and taught her about 45 that she could make it.Every day Angela would lie there,46 doing her mental exercise. One day,47 she was imagining her legs moving again,it seemed as though a miracle(奇迹)happened:The bed began to 48!“Look,what I'm doing!Look!I can do it!I moved! I moved!"she 49. Of course,at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was 50.More importantly,they were running 51 safety. People were crying,and equipment was 52. You see,it was an earthquake.But don't 53 that to Angela. She has 54 that she did it ,just as she had never doubted that she would recover. And now only a few years later, she's back in school. You see,to such a person who can 55 the earth,such a disease is a small problem,isn't it? 36.A.see B.hear C.talk D.walk 37.A.progress B.difference C.movement D.achievement 38.A.poor B.good C.little D.special 39.A.few B.all C.some D.most 40.A.satisfied B.delighted C.surprised D.discouraged 41.A.insisted B.sighed C.feared D.promised 42.A.true B.doubtful C.certain D.impossible 43.A.get up B.give up C.turn up D.stand up 44.A.disappointed B.proud C.troubled D.undefeatable 45.A.thinking B.expecting C.pretending D.imagining 46.A.sadly B.madly C.carefully D.faithfully 47.A.as B.since C.after D.before 48A.fly B.move C.roll D.speak 49.A.jumped B.wondered C.screamed D.recovered 50.A.frightened B.pleased C.touched D.encouraged 51A.in B.by C.for D.with 来源:www.examda.com 52.A.rising B.falling C.missing D.gathering 53.A.tell B.do C.give D.show 54.A.noticed B.supposed C.believed D.discovered 55.A.push B.shock C.shake D.save 36.D 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.D 41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.D 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.C、 请老师帮忙分析一下37、38、45题的答案是如何推断出来的,并说明一下这三道题的考点是什么。从文章中哪里推出来的。谢谢老师
解题思路: 如下
36.D.本题可以从后文提到的几个线索去考虑。The doctors said that 39, if any, could come back to no…, Having heard this, the little girl…从这两句就说明她能听也能说,否则就不能和医生交流;还有her going back to…以及下几个自然段里多次出现move一词,就能知道他是不能走动的。
37.C.本题和36题相辅相成,因为生病所以不能走路甚至更严重的是根本就不能动。本题很容易造成如:make progress或make achievement这样常见的短语考生脱离了语境的联系,片面地选择A或D。
38.B.小姑娘非常坚强,执着,对自己非常有信心,所以才认为自己康复的机会很大。Have/stand a good/fair chance of…大有…的希望。
41.A.本题还是围绕着“坚强,自信”这个主题展开的,无论医生怎么说,她都坚持相信总有一天她会回到学校。sigh是叹息,表渴望的时候应该是sigh for;fear与题意相差太远而且与主题违背;promise承诺,答应做什么事情,不符合题意。
46.D.从文章的主题来分析小女孩应该是从来不放弃任何一个可能的机会的,所以他才会“忠实的”做着医生交给她的mental exercise.本题也要从文章的主题出发,他康复正是由于她的韧力才得以出现奇迹,所以光小心(carefully)还不够表达文章所要表达的主题。
48.B.从前面37题可以知道她原来是不能动的,经过很长时间的mental exercise,在地震的作用下,她以为是自己是动了的。而且后文中有:look, what I’m doing …,可以看出选B。
49。C.从文中look, what I’m doing …,可以看出她因为激动所以喊叫出来。
53.A.从文中可以看出,所有人都知道是地震引发了move,但为了鼓励她,不至于打消他的积极性,不能告诉她实情的真相,故选A. show是教,出示等含义。
54.C.从后句中的never doubted可知答案。
55.C.最后一句是一个很幽默的句子,因为在地震中:the earth shake,所以作者幽默地把地震造成的震动当作是小女孩造成的,所以用shake.