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英语翻译Dear Laura,Germany is amazing!The scenery(风景) in the cou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 12:18:16
Dear Laura,
Germany is amazing!The scenery(风景) in the countryside is absolutely gorgeous(美丽的)—we got to ride through mountains and valleys(山谷) on our way to Munich(慕尼黑).The city is exciting and vibrant(充满活力的),and there are lots of shops everywhere.At home,people stay inside and work for most of the day,but people here seem to be much more connected(联系) to the society.
Our choir(唱诗班) sang in a church yesterday.You should have heard how our voices echoed(回响)!It was an amazing experience,and the people there seemed to really appreciate(欣赏) it.Later,we went sightseeing(观光) around the central square.The architecture(建筑) is beautiful and old; there is a much greater sense of history here than there is at home.
The one thing I’m not crazy about is the food.They eat so differently here!First of all,they eat lots of bread and meat,but not many vegetables.Also,they drink a lot of beer.I was shocked(震惊的) to see fifteen-year-old kids drinking beer out of huge mugs(杯子),right in the square!My favorite foods here are the apple-juice soda and the huge soft pretzels(椒盐脆饼干) they have everywhere.
People here dress well,and everyone seems confident(自信的) and beautiful.They’re in great shape because they walk a lot.Most people don’t even have cars!I’m definitely getting in better shape from walking around so much.It’s tiring(累人的)!
I’m having a wonderful time with my friends from the choir.Erin and I have been hanging out a lot.Plus,I’ve been getting to know the older kids—I really look up to(尊敬) them.It’s amazing how making music and traveling can bring a group together.
After Munich,we’re going to visit Salzburg(萨尔斯堡,奥地利城市)and Vienna.We’re going to visit some amazing places:castles(城堡),cathedrals(大教堂),museums,mountains,and even the Vienna Opera!
What have you been up to?I miss hearing you play the flute(笛子) all the time.I do hear a lot of street musicians,though.You would love it — people here appreciate culture a lot more than people do in the U.S.Yesterday evening,the boys from our choir sang for people on the street,and people crowded around to hear them!
Well,I have to go to sleep now.Talk to you soon!
英语翻译Dear Laura,Germany is amazing!The scenery(风景) in the cou