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I'm not twenty的歌词

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/31 13:53:02
I'm not twenty的歌词
I'm not twenty的歌词
《I'm not twenty》歌词:Looking for paradise 去寻觅一方乐土,Is always on my mind 总让我魂牵梦绕 Morning light shining right 当晨光轻抚大地,Sing me a lullaby 请为我哼唱一首摇篮曲 Oh!Baby come to me oh,宝贝,到我这来,Bring back simplicity 带回天真与纯朴 I'm here,you see !你知道我就在这!So why hang on to me 为何紧握我不放?Just write me poetry 只管给我写首诗.If you're okey dokey !假如你感觉正好,Get up and start to smile,guy 起来冲我笑笑,伙计 Do it for me 不要迟疑 Wake up.I'll come around man 醒来吧,让我看到男子汉的你 Let's do "boogie-woogie" 让我们来玩“boogie-woogie" It's not even a game 这并非一场游戏,Get over your pain 战胜你的苦痛 I'm not twenty 我已不是二十,Not even ashamed 甚至不再害羞 Could we celebrate 让我们一起庆祝 Cause'I'm not twenty 因为我已不是二十 And life goes on and on 时光渐渐流逝,I go as I come 而我还是我 Mélodie de vie 这是生活的旋律 I fly all alone 我一直独自飞翔 A light little stone 你这颗小却闪光的石子 You get old at twenty 快长到二十岁,And I want to be free !我渴望能够自由飞 Oh!Baby baby mine oh ,宝贝,我的宝贝 You're always on my mind 让我一直牵挂的宝贝 Having fun is just fine 拥有快乐吧,它是如此美好 Your love,I shall deny 而你回报的爱,我会拒绝 Falling for me,indeed 情系于我,Is diving in someone's need 并乐于助人 Love is too strong !这样的爱如此强烈 I've fallen into me 而此时我已深深陶醉 And freedom's eestasy !并获得自由的狂喜 You can never go wrong !相信我,你必将永不迷失方向