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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/12 20:18:35
有一个女孩,身边有许多许多关心她,照顾她的人,女孩感到很幸福很幸福,因为在她身边总有许多朋友帮助她,然而也有让单纯的女孩烦恼的事,她们班有一个男孩,在不知不觉中,女孩喜欢上了男孩,男孩长得很秀气,而且成绩也很出色,就是不知道男孩喜不喜欢女孩,女孩总是会在上课时不经意得看男孩几眼,有时,也会觉得男孩也在偷偷地看着她,淡淡的,是最美好,最纯净的.男孩人缘很好,身边也总是有几个女生围着,女孩看见了总觉得心里有一丝难过,女孩真的很喜欢很喜欢男孩,和男孩在一起,偶尔也会有争吵,当然是开玩笑一样的争吵,男孩也会经常说女孩笨,不过女孩真的是单纯得可爱,这就是大家都喜欢她的原因 ,只要和男孩在一起,她就会觉得很幸福,如果可能的话,真希望男孩也能喜欢那个女孩.男孩的星座和女孩一样,傻傻的女孩还经常玩星座配对,女孩明明知道这不准,可还是希望自己和男孩能是一对,呵呵 女孩希望能和男孩在一起,不,并不需要在一起,只是希望男孩也能像自己这样默默的喜欢着她就行了,她已经很知足了 男孩和女孩之间,像棉花糖一样,甜甜的,淡淡的,仅仅只有这些,就足够了
A girl,surrounded by many,many concerned about her,take care of her people,girls are very happy very happy,because many of her close friends to help her,let alone However,there are also girls vexing matter,they have classes one of the boys,unknowingly,on the girls like boys,boys长得很Xiuqi,but has also been very good,just do not know what Hi boys do not like girls,girls in the class will always be inadvertently Jiyan depends boys,and sometimes also feel that boys are secretly watched her casually,is the most beautiful,most pure.boys人缘good side always surrounded by several girls and women Hasbro see the slightest feel sad hearts,really like girls like boys,boys did it know that?and boys together,occasionally there are quarrels,of course,is the same joke quarrel,the boy will always said that stupid girls,but girls really is a lovely simple,and that is we all like her reasons,and as long as the boys together,she would feel very happy,if possible,really hope that the boys can be like that girls.Constellation boys and girls,the girls often Shasha constellation match play,girls clearly know that this is inaccurate and can still hope to himself and the boys is a right,huh boys and girls with the hope that ,no,do not need together,can only hope that the boys themselves silently as the likes of her trip,she has a Henzhiju between boys and girls,such as Cotton Candy,sweet,faintly,just only these will be good enough.