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SAT OG语法题1.Beginning photographers may choose from among sev

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:19:30
1.Beginning photographers may choose from among several camera types,【there is one which is】 best for their particular interests.
A) there is one which is
B)of which there is one
C)one of which is
D)and one is
E)one is
我觉得应该是D,因为如果是C那就是run-on sentence了,一句话中有两个谓语动词却没有连词.但是答案是C.
2.The shift from traditional to cosmetic denistry 【is because adualts are getting fewer cavities and becoming】 more vian.
A.is bacause adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming
D.is occuring because adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming
现在一般式 是 I like you.→I do like you.
过去一般式 是 I did like you.还是 I do liked you.

SAT OG语法题1.Beginning photographers may choose from among sev
1. 因为one of which is best for there particular interests是camera types的定语从句.which是从属连词,不是你所说的“没有连词”.
2. 原句包含了the shift is occuring的意思.
3. 过去式的强调是 I did like you.要记住,是改变助动词的形式.I do liked you是错误的,因为助动词do后面肯定要接动词原形.
再问: 你的解答很好。但是我还是不明白 1,which是指代camara types吗?从属连词 是什么? 2,第2题请再解释得详细一点。你的意思是说:原文是有表明现在进行的意思吗? 3,懂了,谢谢。
再答: 1. 首先,你要明确在定语从句中引导词的地位(或者说功能)。1,引导词指代先行词;2,引导词在从句中要充当成分。所以说,which这个引导词指的就是camera types。 其次,连词分为并列连词(如and、but、so等,这些连词连接的句子都是对等的,不存在一个句子从属于另一个句子的关系)和从属连词(如if,when,which等,这些连词连接的从句(比如定语从句,状语从句,表语从句等)是从属于主句的,所以这些连词被叫作从属连词)。 2.这句话要表达的意思是“from traditional (denistry) to cosmetic denistry这样一个转变是因为……”,句中已经含有“发生”的意思,所以要用occur。 如果还不懂,继续追问。:)