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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 13:10:45

The famous Chinese mathematician(数学家) Hua Luogeng was born in Jintan County, Jiangsu province in 1910. When he was young, life was very difficult for his family. Still, the boy took great interest in maths. In the summer of 1931, he was fortunate(幸运的) enough to become an assistant in the Math Department(系) of Qinghua University, where he spent every moment he could find working and studying, and he finished his compulsory(必修的) math course all by
himself in only 13 months! Between the years of 1936 and 1938, he was further studying in Cambridge University in the U.K. In 1950, together with his family, he returned to China from the USA. He said, “I’m Chinese, and I’ll do my best for my motherland.” So he did. He devoted(贡献) all his life to the math study and won the great fame(荣誉) for our country. He died for heart trouble in 1985 while lecturing in Japan. People will always remember him as a great scientist.
( )1. Which of the following is not true?
A. Hua Luogeng is a famous Chinese mathematician.
B. Hua Luogeng died in China.
C. Hua Luogeng was born in Jingtan County.
D. Hua Luogeng comes from Jiangsu.
( )2. The word “assistant”in this passage means “____” in Chinese.
A. 帮手 B. 服务员 C. 助教 D. 教授
( )3. Hua Luogeng was ____ in 1937. Which of the following cannot be chosen?
A. in China B. abroad C. in Cambridge D. in England
( )4. From the story we can guess that Hua Luogeng was born in ____.
A. a rich family B. a poor family
C. a mathematician family D. a fortunate family
( )5. Hua Luogeng died for _____ in 1985.
A. cancer B. heart trouble C. accident D. oldness
An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a day’s hard work. When he was not far from his house, the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not mend (修理) it. He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this, he stopped the old carter. “Where is your light?” asked the policeman. “No man may take a cart along the road at night without a light. You know that. You have broken the law (法律).” “I had a light, but it has just gone out,” said the old man. “I don’t believe that story,” said the policeman. He took out a book and got ready to write. What’s your name and where do you live?” he asked. “Please don’t take my name,” said the old man. “My home is just there. You can see it from here. I had a light nearly the whole way. I haven’t come far without a light.” “You came all the way without a light. What’s your name?” The carter quickly took the policeman’s hand and put it down on top of the light. The light was still hot and burnt the policeman’s hand. The policeman jumped and he was very angry. “Now, what do you think?” said the carter. “Did I come all the way without a light?”
( ) 6. In the passage the word “cart” is ____.
A. something like a car B. something like a light
C. something pulled by a horse D. something with a light
( )7. The old man drove home ____.
A. on the back of his horse B. late one night
C. very late every night D. with a policeman
( )8. Where did the policeman stop the old man?
A. Near the old man’s home. B. At the traffic lights.
C. Under a road light. D. Far from the old man’s home.
( )9. The cart was stopped by the policeman because ____.
A. the old man didn’t have a light
B. the policeman didn’t believe the old man’s words
C. the old man didn’t want to tell his name
D. the light on the old man’s cart was not on
( )10. What made the policeman believe the old man’s words?
A. He made the policeman touch the light.
B. He jumped and shouted angrily.
C. He made the policeman angry.
D. The light burnt the policeman’s hands.
Do you know there are many kinds of grass? Some are tall. The kind that grows around your house is short grass. But field grass often grows as tall as a man.
Some food that we eat comes from plants of the grass family. Wheat and rice are two of them. We use wheat to make bread. We use both wheat and rice to make breakfast. At some places, people eat more rice than any other food.
Animals as well as people get food from the grass family. Cows eat hay(干草). Do you know the kind of grass that horses like to eat?
( )11.Which of the following belongs to(属于) the grass family?
A. Wheat. B. Rice. C. Apples. D. A and B.
( )12.We use ____ to make bread.
A. rice B. fruit C. wheat D. grass family
( )13. Which of the following doesn’t get food from the grass family?
A. Horses. B. Sheep. C. Dogs. D. Cows.
( )14. Which of the following is wrong?
A. The grass family are all short.
B. There are many kinds of grass.
C. Field grass often grows as tall as a man.
D. Horses get food from the grass family.
( )15. The best title is _____.
A. Plants B. Grass C. I like grass D. The use of grass
解题思路: 注意在文章中找出答案及解答
( B )1. Which of the following is not true?
A. Hua Luogeng is a famous Chinese mathematician.
B. Hua Luogeng died in China.从文章句子He died for heart trouble in 1985 while lecturing in Japan.可知
C. Hua Luogeng was born in Jingtan County.
D. Hua Luogeng comes from Jiangsu.
( C )2. The word “assistant”in this passage means “____” in Chinese.这个词可推断,你若学过更好了
A. 帮手 B. 服务员 C. 助教 D. 教授
( A )3. Hua Luogeng was ____ in 1937. Which of the following cannot be chosen?
A. in China B. abroad C. in Cambridge D. in England从句子Between the years of 1936 and 1938, he was further studying in Cambridge University in the U.K.可知
( B )4. From the story we can guess that Hua Luogeng was born in ____.
A. a rich family B. a poor family
C. a mathematician family D. a fortunate family从句子When he was young, life was very difficult for his family.
( B )5. Hua Luogeng died for _____ in 1985.
A. cancer B. heart trouble C. accident D. oldness 从文章句子He died for heart trouble in 1985 while lecturing in Japan.可知
( C ) 6. In the passage the word “cart” is ____.
A. something like a car B. something like a light
C. something pulled by a horse D. something with a light 从前面的句子可以推断
( B )7. The old man drove home ____.
A. on the back of his horse B. late one night
C. very late every night D. with a policeman 从句子An old man was going home late one night 可看出
( A )8. Where did the policeman stop the old man?
A. Near the old man’s home. B. At the traffic lights.
C. Under a road light. D. Far from the old man’s home.从句子 He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this,
( D )9. The cart was stopped by the policeman because ____.
A. the old man didn’t have a light
B. the policeman didn’t believe the old man’s words
C. the old man didn’t want to tell his name
D. the light on the old man’s cart was not on从句子the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not mend (修理) it.及警察和他的对话可知
( D )10. What made the policeman believe the old man’s words?
A. He made the policeman touch the light.
B. He jumped and shouted angrily.
C. He made the policeman angry.
D. The light burnt the policeman’s hands.从句子The light was still hot and burnt the policeman’s hand可看出
( D )11.Which of the following belongs to(属于) the grass family?
A. Wheat. B. Rice. C. Apples. D. A and B. 从句子Some food that we eat comes from plants of the grass family. Wheat and rice are two of them.可看出
( C )12.We use ____ to make bread.
A. rice B. fruit C. wheat D. grass family从句子We use wheat to make bread可看出
( C )13. Which of the following doesn’t get food from the grass family?通过常识我们可知牛马羊吃草
A. Horses. B. Sheep. C. Dogs. D. Cows.
( A )14. Which of the following is wrong?通过常识可知不一定的如 不住人的家的草很长
A. The grass family are all short.
B. There are many kinds of grass.
C. Field grass often grows as tall as a man.
D. Horses get food from the grass family.
( D )15. The best title is _____.
A. Plants B. Grass C. I like grass D. The use of grass通过文章内容可知