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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 09:13:18
1A: It's raining. My house is all wet. Can I come in, Eddie?
B: Sure, come in.
A: I was sleeping when it started to rain.

B: Did you hear the rain?

A: Not until half an hour later. You must come home with me now.
B: Why?
A: The floor is all wet. Who's going to mop all the water up if you don' tcome with me?
B: Oh!
A: The weather today is sunny but it'll be cloudy tomorrow. The temperture will be around 7℃. What about Wednesday?

B: It'll be windy. The temperture is going to drop a little.
A: So the weather won't be too bad. What about Thursday?
B: It'll be frosty on Thurday. The temperture will be lower. It'll be only 0℃.
A: The weather will become worse on Friday. It'll be snowy and the temperature will drop to -5℃.
B: That's too bad!
3A: I saw you in the computer room yesterday, Simon. What were you doing there?
B: I was searching the Internet. I was looking for some photos of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake for my project.
A: Oh, I thought you was discussing the project with Daniel.
B: No. Daniel was talking to Millie. They were planing a trip to Tangshan. They were looking for some information about i. Daniel was trying to find a map of Tangshan and Millie was reading some guidebooks.
4A: Did you hear about the fire at a school in Britain last week?
B: No. What happened?
A: It is my online friend Vivien's school. She told me about it. There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.
B: Oh, really?
A: Yes. It was terrible. Her school caught fire because lightning hit it.
B: Was she hurt?
A: No. As it was a holiday, no one was at school.
B: Oh.
5A: When did the fire happen?
B: It was about ten o'clock in the evening.
A: Who saw the fire first?
B: A lady saw it from her house.
A: Did she call the police?
B: Yes. The firemen arrived in five minutes.
A: How long did the fire last?
B: The firemen put out the fire soon. It didn't last long.
6A: Hi Millie! I saw you in the library yesterday. Were you looking for books there?
B: No, I didn't. I was looking for a video about earthquakes.
A: Did you find anything?
B: Yes, I did. I found one about the earthquake in Tangshan in 1976 and watched it last night.
A: Sure. The video shows the terrible situation after the earthquake. Soldiers helped people get out from under all the stones and bricks. People who survived were staying together in an old house. Many social workers went there to help too.
B: What were the social workers doing there?
A: Some were looking after the people in need while others were giving out food and clean drinking water to the local people.
B: Oh.
再问: 继续啊
再答: 3、 A:我昨天在网吧见到你了,西蒙!你在那儿干什么? B:我在网上搜点东西。我在为我的项目搜索一些有关1976年唐山大地震的照片。 A:我想你正在和丹尼尔一起讨论这个项目吧! B:不是,丹尼乐和米尔在一起讨论。他们打算去唐山旅游,在搜寻关于那儿的一些信息。丹尼尔在寻找唐山的地图,并且米尔在读一些指导书。 4、 A:你听说上个星期在英国的一所学校发生的火灾了吗? B:没有,发生什么事了? A:这是一所我的网友威温所在的学校,她告诉我了这件事情,有强烈的暴风雪并且伴随着电闪雷鸣。 B:哦,是真的吗? A:是的,太可怕了。因为闪电导致她的学校发生了火灾。 B:她受伤了吗? A:没有,正好是假期,没有人在学校。 B:哦。 5、 A:火灾是什么时候发生的? B:大约在晚上十点。 A:是谁首先发现的火灾? B:一位女士从她的房子里看到的。 A:她报警了吗? B:是的,救火员在五分钟内到达了。 A:火持续了多长时间? B:救火员很快就扑灭了火,并没有持续很长时间。 6、 A:嗨,米尔,我昨天在图书馆看到你了,你在那儿找书吗? B:不是,我在寻找关于地震的录像。 A:那你找到了吗? B:找到了。我找到了一盘关于1976年唐山地震的录像,并且在晚上看了。 A:当然,录像显示了地震后可怕的情况。士兵帮助人们从石头和砖瓦下面逃脱出来。幸存的人们聚集在一所旧房子里。许多社会工作者都去帮忙了。 B:社会工作者在那儿做什么? A:一些人在照顾需要帮助的人,而其他的一些人给当地的人们提供食物和纯净水。 B:哦。