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英语翻译【简介】亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 10:51:40
亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行.最初由亚洲运动会联合会主办,1982年后由亚洲奥林匹克理事会(Olympic Council of Asia)主办.自1951年第一届始,迄今共举办了15届.国际奥林匹克委员会承认亚洲运动会为正式的亚洲地区运动会.
英语翻译【简介】亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林
Asian Games (Asian Games) referred to as the Asian Games,Asia's largest integrated sporting events,organized every four years term,with the Olympic Games held in white.Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation,in 1982 by the Olympic Council of Asia (Olympic Council of Asia) to host.Since the beginning of the first session in 1951,has so far held 15 sessions.International Olympic Committee officially recognized the Asian Games for the Games,the Asian region.
Unlike the Asian Games as the Olympic Games there are strict rules,with the exception of track and field,swimming,football,basketball and other widely carried out in each project must be included,the host country in accordance with the conditions of their own skill level and sport by appropriate by.Such as the third Asian Games held in Japan,Japan to increase its own strength table tennis,volleyball,tennis,etc.; the fourth time in Indonesia,Indonesia has increased at the country's badminton; included in the Tenth South Korea taekwondo; China is the eleventh canceled taekwondo,martial arts and other projects has increased.Of course,changes in competition and transform the Olympic Council of Asia must be agreed and approved by,the host country the right to random arrangements.Asian Games has so far held 13 sessions,has also experienced competition from the less to the development process and more - from the first session gradually increased to 6 of the 13th of 36.Before the 13th Games of the items held in archery,athletics,badminton,baseball,basketball,billiards,bowling,boxing,canoeing,cycling,equestrian,fencing,football,golf,gymnastics (including artistic gymnastics,trampoline),handball,hockey,judo,kabaddi,karate,modern pentathlon,rowing,rugby,sepak takraw,shooting,soft tennis,softball,squash,swimming (including synchronized swimming,diving and water polo),table tennis,taekwondo,tennis,volleyball (including beach volleyball),weightlifting,wrestling,martial arts,sailing,triathlon
英语翻译【简介】亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会,是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,与奥林 英语翻译亚洲运动会(Asian Games)是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会.每四年一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行.最初 英语翻译亚洲运动会,简称“亚运会”,是亚洲地区的综合性运动竞赛会,也是亚洲体坛最大的盛会,由亚洲运动联合会的成员国轮流主 奥林匹克运动会是当今世界上规模最大,最有影响的综合性运动会.1896年,在希腊的雅典举办了第一届奥运会 英语翻译国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界性综合运动会.因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚而得名.每四年举行一次.奥林匹克运动会简称奥运会 英语翻译1.你知道第二届亚洲室内运动会吗?(asian Indoor Games)2.你能向我介绍下它吗?我对它很感兴趣 已知世运会、亚运会、奥运会分别于公元2009年、2010年、2012年举办.若这三项运动会均每四年举办一次,则这三项运动 亚运会的英语是Asian Games还是Asia Games. 2010年广州举办了第16届亚洲运动会,这是继北京奥运会后,我国举办的又一次体育盛会 第一届亚洲运动会是哪一年举行的? 第十六届亚洲运动会是哪天召开的?哪个城市举办的? 英语翻译志愿者的工作是辛苦而快乐的2010年第16届亚洲运动会以及亚洲残疾人运动会于2010年12月19日在中国广州这美