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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 21:01:10
The background:
14 - 15-century Western Europe, the collapse of the feudal system began. With the city's development, there the seeds of capitalism. Many of the emerging nation-state established a monarchy as the center of the centralized system. And the right of the monarchy in the struggle, the church has been great trauma. Emerging from the middle class against the old feudal and theocratic rule. With the Renaissance also brought about by new concepts, people began to doubt God-based old thinking. Humanist bold expose of corruption within the Church, such a contradiction between the quietly buried under the medieval feudal system and the collapse of the Reformation an excuse.
[A] religion
Protestant protest against the spirit of the 14th century can be traced back to some of the Reformation forerunner, the United Kingdom and the Weikelifu were sent Luo Lade, the Aarhus Bohemian movement of Savoy and Italy that Lola's followers. 16 1920s, Martin Luther launched the Reformation in Germany Movement, quickly swept across the whole of Germany, in Switzerland, Calvin Guizheng the movement further deepen the impact of the Reformation. By the middle of the 16th century, the major sects have to contend with Catholicism. Because of the power and the right for the monarchy, a Protestant in the process of multi-ethnic country-by or secular regime with the support and protection. In the religious war, according to the contract signed between the attendant, such as the 1555 Treaty of Augsburg in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia established with the national principle, the formation of the new layout in Europe, Lutheran Church in distribution Germany and the Nordic countries, to the authentic as Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Scotland.
16 end of the century to the 17th century, the main Protestant denomination in the Church of the organization and worship ceremony has been the basic prototype. The teachings of that on a long-term controversy has gradually become a system. Protestant theologians to prepare a large number of theological works, but its contents and more cumbersome to argue, as well as research-based, losing to the initial spirit of the protest that the rich vitality. The mid-17th century, England's puritanical movement to demand reform of the compromise Calvin conservative Anglican religious, the results of the Protestant movement and promoting a step forward, produced from the public in the new St. sects, such as England's Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Friends, and so on. With immigration to America, the Inter-American Protestant sects have become a staple.
[Development] theology
18th century European bourgeoisie in the comprehensive victory in the impact of materialism, a Protestant Christian socialism, fundamentalism and liberal theology, and other theological thinking. Protestants in the different sports are derived from different factions and sects, which are well-known Charismatic movement, the holy campaign, ADRA campaigns.
Features belief
There are many Protestant and Catholic factions opposing the common features of the doctrine on the performance of the emphasis on "faith" to that advocated not only because of Mengen saved because of the letter, with the confidence that justice can Mengen, the letter said justice denied the Catholic Church Must be saved to the Church, clergy, St. matter to the idea of an intermediary, for believers can be priests, not only mutual intercession, but also promote the gospel. At the same time that Protestant "Bible" is the highest authority, followers can use the guidance of the Holy Spirit direct encounter with God, to accept the light of the Enlightenment, which rejected the Catholic Church upholding the right of the address, for the Protestant factions are using national languages focus on the core After the abolition of the monopoly status of the Latin Bible. Protestant opposition worship of Mary and the saints, in general do not agree with the purgatory said.
In the organization, the Protestant-Catholic factions deny all the powers of the Pope in order system does not recognize the pope's absolute authority, using a variety of organizational system: such as Anritsu Ganzong as the representative of the bishop, Bishop of the Diocese of management, Will be under the president and officials; reform were representatives of the Presbyterian system, elected by the laity elders in charge of the Senate, appointed pastor; Baptist in cases of Justice as the representative of the public system will, by all believers in charge of the Church of the Senate, The appointment of priests. The abolition of the Protestant clergy also not allowed to marry, abolished the implicit repair system.
In St. etiquette thing, the Protestant factions opposed to the Catholic Church cut red tape and get rid of the mass ceremony, to preach chanting, believers sang hymns together. Will be the seven Catholic sacrament for the streamlining of the two, that is, communion and baptism. Church of the furnishings and layout aspects of religious apparel is no-one, but also for the simple than the Catholic Church. Some churches such as Anritsu Ganzong Church, retained the more traditional, the church has painted icon of St., the ceremony also more complicated and most respected church is simple, only the Cross Church. Protestant and Catholic holiday line, with particular emphasis on the birth of Christ and resurrection of the festival.
The fundamentalists
Apostle Paul in Romans 3:23-25 that "because the people of the world have committed a crime, the deficit had the glory of God; now have kept the grace of God, for salvation of Jesus Christ, said Bai Baidi justice. God the establishment of Jesus To restore sacrifice, with the blood of Jesus, by the letter, shown to be God's justice; because of his patience with the heart of tolerance when the first person committed the crime, a prominent Fortunately, this time his righteousness, people know He himself as a justice, the letter also said the human Jesus justice. "To put it simply, the believers not to be called just rely on a person's good deeds or practice, but from the grace of God and reward initiative, so that the people of the world because of the Holy Spirit wonderful The work of confession and repentance to God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul in Romans 5:1-2 also said that "we have faith justice, through our Lord Jesus Christ and God and for. We also take him to enter because of a letter which we now stand This Grace, and happily looking forward to the glory of God. "
[Priests] are believers
This guidance is based on 1 Peter 2:9, "you have to be selected ethnic categories, there is respect the priest-jun, a holy nation, God's people, to ask you to promote the response you out of darkness into the marvelous The bright virtue. "Therefore, Christians can use the blood of Jesus Christ, in the calm before the Lord to serve him without fear. This is not to teach his followers to light the whole time was to see God's calling to serve the main clergy, laity or Gaotai's position relative to encourage the all-believers, all in St. on the active participation and concerted One to worship God.
[Bible as the supreme authority:
This refers to the Protestant Bible is taught by God implied, is the highest Christian authority. This is different from teaching Catholic and Orthodox dogma, that the church traditions (such as the ceremony) in Christianity today also account for the operation of a seat.
That is referred to as the Catholic sacrament. Protestant and Catholic sacraments of very different, generally recognizes only the Protestant communion and baptism ceremony for the two sacraments. Martin. After the Reformation Lutheran in the early solution should be recognized during the ceremony and later he found that because of the ceremony was not in line with the Bible and teach the divisions of the negative. Eucharist as a sacrament because according to the New Testament in Matthew 26:26-29 records, the Last Supper of Jesus said: "They eat, Jesus took bread, blessed, On broke it, gave it to the disciples and said: 'you took to eat, this is my body,' and pick up the cup, I wish to thank, and handed it to them and said: 'You Duhe this because this is my contracting The blood, more people out, the remission of sins, but I tell you that from now on, I will not drink grape juice this, until I in my father's country, the new drink with you that day, ' "because of Protestant Is generally believed that the Bible is absolute authority, so if there are mentioned in the Bible should be followed.
Organizational system
There are three Protestant general system: Bishop system, the justice system and the Presbyterian system. Generally speaking, the justice system more use of the church.
[System] Bishop
Protestant Bishop system is the oldest in the system, from the Catholic Bishop of the system, and the Catholic bishops almost exactly the same system, the only difference is that bishops can also get married. The Catholic bishops of the system is derived from the first century, the early Christian Church bishops system, so that the entire system is the bishop in the history of Christianity, the oldest of the clergy system.
Now to the Protestant bishop of the church have been very few. Lutheran Church and Wesley were in from various districts will choose to use the system or the elder Bishop system in Hong Kong and Macao, Lutheran and Wesley were selected in the Presbyterian system. However, in Europe, such as Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany and other places, they are usually used Bishop system.
[System] Elders
Presbyterian system, or representative, parliamentary system, is a parliamentary form of administrative areas will system. Council members elected by the Presbyterian Church, on behalf of the Church, attended the meeting. As the name suggests, is a Presbyterian elder of the church. Presbyterian Church adopted a system of reform in the Presbyterian Church of Christ, Christ Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, the Chinese Presbyterian Church and other Christians.
[Justice system:
Justice system, also known as the congregation system, derived from the theological arguments Jiaci Win the idea that an independent advocate will appear, the director of the Congregational Church pastor, the highest decision-makers, by the congregation and all the Church's internal affairs. A number of relatively new churches by justice system, for example, Baptist, Congregational, Pentecostal, as well as many independent churches. Some of the justice system of the church, at the district level also has a no practical role and powers of the Federation, to contact the sects and sub-tang. Justice system has one drawback is that often cause the Church of the exchanges and cooperation between the fewer will make the final and even some of its sectarian independent from the church, the Church of sectarianism and separatism.