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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/22 14:32:11
结束了大学一年级的生活,我逐渐开始对未来的工作有了规划,也在自己的努力下,找到了人生的第一份兼职工作——家教。对于一个英语专业的学生,要将自己的知识传授给高一的孩子并不困难。在这一个月的时间里我见识了许多,也收获了许多.在这里,我不仅在认真备课的过程中巩固了专业知识,而且还通过自己的努力,争取到了潍坊骨干教师的培训机会。而我想:我获得的不仅是经验上的收获,更多是教学管理,课堂教学等的理念,以及他们带给我的种种思考.最重要的是将这些理念还可以运用到团支书管理班级和开展活动上面。下面,我就来说说这个暑假我的收获吧。第一,实际工作经验 在13年的学生生涯里,我看到了各种各样的老师,也接触了多种多样的教学模式,当我自己开始教学时,我认识到了一个老师的表率作用是很大的,学生时刻看老师,作为一个老师,应该从自己严格要求,并影响感染学生.这就要求师生之间的相互交流必须是贴心的,也是带有希望的.在备课期间,我不但巩固了专业知识,并且深深体会到老师的辛苦和劳累。 在教学期间,我总是将最好的方法传授,我尝试着不同的模式,尽管,有的时候没有达到我理想的效果,但也获取了很多的教学经验.在上了6节课后,我深刻体会到了了解学生学习水平,性格特征的重要性.一个老师在上课时,一定要围绕着“学生能否学得更好,能否真正掌握方法”的主题,而不是从怎么上好我的一堂课出发.可见,一个优秀的老师需要具备很多方面的素质:扎实的专业知识,娴熟的教学技能,正确的教学理念……这次的实习,让我从实践中去思考自己在课堂上学到的知识,也对于理论知识有了更深刻的认识.第二,管理理念 在参加教师培训的过程中,我听了很多的市级,校级的公开棵,还有理科实验班的课.在这些课堂上,让我看到教学改革正在悄然进行,有意识的老师正在努力体会“以学生为主体”的课堂模式.学生的创造也逐步成为教师追求的教学效果.都秉承以学生为主体的宗旨进行学校的管理,进行教学工作的开展.进行讲座的每一位老师都有着自己的管理经验与管理宗旨.有着思想的自由,和对教育充满着探索与尝试,从而有所创造与进步.我感到老师进行班级管理的良苦用心.他们关心的不只是学生的学习,更多的是从一个完整的人的概念出发,去培养学生多方面的素质.所以我想:一个好的老师不应只是从学习上给学生帮助,而是从一种“管理”的角度上去让班级受益,让班级体的每个成员成长。这种管理方法和老师们在自己班级开展活动的方式,使我作为团支书在班级管理方面也有所借鉴。第三,自我成长 步入教育,是师范生必经的一课,付出了便有收获.我很幸运地在大一结束就有机会接触教学,通过一个月来的教学,让我对于教师职业的认识迈进了一步,同时,在合作交流的过程中,我也体会到了一个团队的力量.总之,这次机会,让我获取了经验,认识了不足,体验了教师这个神圣职业,也感受,思考了许多教育改革的问题.在以后的路上,我会珍惜这些经验,让自己做得更好.
An end to first-year University of life, I gradually began to work
for the future planning, in its own efforts, found my first part-time
job--tutor. For an English major students and impart their knowledge to be high
and one of the children is not difficult. In this a month or so I've seen a lot,
have harvested many. here I consolidate expertise, not only after a careful
process of preparing lessons, but also through their own efforts, secured a key
teacher training opportunities in Weifang. And I thought, I was not only the
experience gained on the harvest, more teaching management, teaching philosophy,
and they give me all kinds of thoughts. is of the utmost importance that these
concepts can also be applied to the League Secretary management classes and
activities above. Below, I'll tell you what I learned this summer. First,
practical work experience students in 13 career, I saw all kinds of teacher,
also was exposed to a wide variety of teaching mode, when I started teaching, I
recognized the leading role of a teacher is great, student teacher, as a
teacher, should be seen in its own stringent requirements, And affect students.
This calls for mutual exchange between teachers and students must be excellent
value, with hopes. in the course of preparing, I not only to consolidate the
expertise, and come to understand the teacher's hard work and toil. In teaching
during, I always will best of method taught, I tries to with different of mode,
despite, some when no reached I ideal of effect, but also gets has many of
teaching experience. in Shang has 6 section class Hou, I deep experience to has
understanding students learning level, character features of importance. a a
teacher in class Shi, must to around with "students can learn have better, can
real master method" of theme, Rather than proceeding from good morning class.
visible, and a good teacher needs with a wide range of quality: solid
professional knowledge, skilled teaching skills, correct teaching idea ... ...
This of internship, let I from practice in the to thinking themselves in
classroom school to of knowledge, also for theory knowledge has has more deep of
awareness. Second, management concept in participate in teachers training of
process in the, I listen has many of city level, school level of public tree,
also has science science experiments of class. in these classroom Shang, let I
see teaching reform is quietly for, conscious of teacher is efforts experience
"to students for main" Of classroom mode. students of created also gradually
became teachers pursuit of teaching effect. are adhering to to students for main
of purposes for school of management, for teaching work of carried out. for
lectures of each one teacher are has themselves of management experience and
management purposes. has thought of free, and on education full with exploration
and tries to, thereby has created and progress. I is teacher for class
management of good bitter heart. they concern of not just students of learning,
more of is from a full of people of concept departure, to training students
multifaceted of quality. so I wanted to : A good teacher should not only help
from learning to the students, but from a "management" perspective benefits to
class, each Member of a class body growth. This method of managing class
activities and teachers in their own way, made me do myself better. 纯手写望采纳!!