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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 14:22:07
各位,谁能帮我写下这三篇文章~~各200字1.Fast food has been popular all over the world .Some people worry that traditional cuisines will be replaced by fast food. How far do you agree or disagree with this point of view?
2.Nowadays, western festivals are very popular in China. The Festivals mainly incorporate Christmas Day, April Fool's Day, etc. And there is much controversy over this phenomenon. May people worry about the disadvantages and potential harm of celebrating western festivals. And worry people think otherwise. Different people have different views to it. What's your opinion?
3.2.People like to travel with companions. Some prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Why? Use reasons and details to support your answer.
1.Will Fast Food Replace Traditional Food?
Traditional Food Jun 052010While the rhythm of people’ s life is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in people’ s dietary habit. Fast food outlets are mush-rooming everywhere and fast food is rapidly gaining its popularity all over the country: McDonald’ s, Kentucky and the like. It becomes so widespread that people can t help asking: will the traditional cuisine be replaced by fast food one day?
Some people say yes, because fast food has several advantages. First, it is fast. A hamburger-lunch takes us no more than twenty minutes . We can even have it while working. For those salary men, who believe in the saying that time is money, fast food is an ideal choice. Secondly, it is convenient. It is so simple to make that it can be made in wholesale to cater to the needs of more people. Thirdly, it is cheap in terms of price. Even if we eat out every day, we will not empty our wallet . It is also noted for its high quality food, good sanitary condition and first-rate service.
There are many types of local refreshments of unique flavor, which reflect the distinguishable characteristics of people from different places. Furthermore, traditional food tightens up the familial relationship. Family members can share joys and sorrows at the dinner table, which is a good channel of emotional exchanges conducive to a harmonious family.
As far as I am concerned , I strongly believe that traditional food will never be replaced by fast food . At the same time , we cannot deny the advantages brought by fast food. They can go side by side with each other, each shining more brilliantly in the other ‘ s company . The best policy is to develop the merits of fast food while preserving the essence of traditional cuisine.
2.Whether We Should Celebrate Western Festivals
Today, western festivals become more and more popular in China. A survey carried out in some big cities of China shows that a grate number of young people enjoy western holidays. It said, 68.5% of correspondents celebrate Christmas Day, and 61.8% celebrate Valentines’ Day. We can seldom find somebody who does not know these foreign festivals. Some critics are arguing that people are loosing their traditional values and the respect of historical heritage. In my opinion, we should not indulge ourselves too much in them and neglect the bad effect they have brought. There are so many western festivals, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Saint Valentine's Day and so on, which are originated from or related with Christian or Catholicism which are not believed in by the majority of Chinese people. At the very beginning, the enthusiasm for Christmas and other foreign festivals are limited among high school and college students in big cities. These young people studied English in class, had their own English names and possessed certain knowledge and understanding of the western culture. Then the campus culture spread to the so-called “middle class”. Celebrating foreign festivals seems to be a fashion and a mark of the wealthier class, and today people are all crazy about it, but they throw the meaning and the culture away, just take the chance to relax themselves. Because of not understanding the meaning of April Fool’s Day, some tricks people played may lead to regretful consequences. When pursing the western festivals, a number of Chinese people have gradually forgotten and lost part of the culture identity. We can not deny that the western festivals have already lead to cultural aggression and threaten the preservation of our traditional festivals. western holidays brought us some entertainment, at the same time it caused some bad effects. So, when we are learning the western knowledge, receiving the foreign information, we should know more about our traditional festivals, respect them and cherish them.
3.Travel with a companion vs. travel alone
Almost people enjoy traveling a lot. A memorable trip is a amorphous fortune of people's life. Different people prefer various ways to spend their time on traveling, some people go to a journey with their friends or family members, others choose to enjoy themselves alone. Although both of the choices have some advantages, but, personally, I would like to travel alone.
The essential reason is that people who travel alone can schedule their time more freely and causal. As we all have experienced, when we travel joining a group or with companies, we should plan our schedule more meticulously, because we should regards others' preferences as well. As the result, in my opinion, every individual would feel inconvenient and unsatisfied somehow. In contrast, if people go on traveling individually, time is under control, we can allot more time to the place that attracts us most, and end up tedious trips immediately. Also, single travelers can change their destinations and time periods as they wish, they do not have to wait for others' agreements. Isn't it a better option?
People choose travel with companions is not that bad, they can still have a good time. The trip will become more immobile and less troublesome. However, as the reasons I raised above, you can see that traveling alone has more fun and it is more freely to enjoy the time, even with less payment. So, as far as I concentrated, I strongly commit people should travel alone.