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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 11:11:55
20世纪后半期,科学技术日新月异,出现了很多新事物,新的词汇也就应用而生了,例如:sociolingujstics(社会语言学)、cybernetics(控制论)等。科学技术的新发现、新发明、新理论,都需要词来表达,所以产生了很多构造出来的新词,同时一些旧词被赋予了新的含义,例如:ecology(生态学)经过构造,出现了ecoactivlst(生态学活动家)、ecocatastrophe(谈论)、ecocide(生态灭绝)和ecocrisis(生态危机)等新词。保护生态环境变的越来越重要,以至不少商品的广告中都写着eco—friendly(不会破坏生态平衡)、planet—friendly(不会污染地球)等之类的词。随着新发明新创造的不断出现,Laser comp(电脑激光照排)、fax(传真电报)、cam—corder(手提摄像机)、flat—screen television(液晶超薄电视机)、instant coffee(速溶咖啡)等等新的词都出现在人们的生活中。
的新义。美国给一代代年轻人贴上了标签,从60年代的Hippies(嬉皮士),到70年代的Yippies(雅皮士),第一次世界大战后的the lost generation(迷茫的一代),第二次世界大战后the beat generation(垮掉的一代)。世界局势动荡不安,重大历史事件必然成就了新的英语词汇。例如:shuttlediplomacy(穿梭外交)、mini—summit(小型高级会议)、confrontation(对抗)、psywar(心理战)、trade war(贸易战)等等。新的词汇与日俱增,推进了英语词汇的发展。
A) the development of science and technology
Late of the 20th century, science and technology are developing rapidly, there are many new things, new vocabulary is applied and bore, for example: sociolingujstics (social linguistics, cybernetics (cybernetics), etc. The new findings, science and technology, the new theory, new inventions are needed, so that generates a lot of new structure, at the same time, some old words are given meaning, for example: the ecology (ecology), ecoactivlst appeared after ecocatastrophe), (ecology activists (about) and ecocide (extinction) and ecological ecocrisis (ecological crisis), etc. To protect the ecological environment is becoming more and more important, so many goods are written in the advertisement eco - cut (not ecological balance), and works hard - cut (won't) like the pollution of the word. With the invention of the newly created appear ceaselessly, Laser comp (computer), Laser printing fax (fax cable), CAM - corder (hand-held cameras), flat LCD television (-- representation of ultra-thin television), the coffee (instant coffee), a new word appears in people's lives.
(2) the changes of political economy
The social, political, and economic situation change multiterminal, reflected in all aspects of vocabulary. Especially political aspects of words emerge in endlessly. In 1972, American history famous watergate watergate, appearing in English, also have originally gate simple meaning "door" become a form, said the watergate scandal "similar". In 1988, the bush presidency, involving sale to Iran of horses, this scandal is called Irangate (Iran), to the Chinese, Chinese door with the political scandal ","
The new meanings. American young people for generations, the label from the 1960s Hippies (Hippies) until the 1970s, the Yippies (yuppie), the first world war ii has lost the generation (the generation), the second world war the beat generation (collapse generation). The world situation unrest, great historical events will be done a new English words. Example: shuttlediplomacy (shuttle diplomacy), mini - summit meeting), small (senior), psywar confrontation (against), the war's psychological (trade (), etc. The new vocabulary growing, and promote the development of English vocabulary.(我跟机器一起的)