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英语阅读理解求答案Many American presidents in the 19t h century were

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 13:04:40
Many American presidents in the 19t h century were bor nin poor families.T hey spent their childhood in little woodenrooms.( 1) They got little education( 教育) .( 5)Washington andLincoln,for example,never went to school and t hey taughtthemselves.Lincoln once did jobs of a wor ker ,shop - keeperand post officer in his early years.
  ( 4) A lar ge number of U .S.pr esident s had experiences( 经历) in the army.T he two best known wer e Ulysses Gr ant andDwight D.Eisenhower .Gr ant was a general ( 将军) in a theAmerica n Civil War and ( 2 ) Eisenhower was a her o in theSecond World War .I t happened t hey graduated( 毕业) fr om thesame school——West Point Militar y Academy( 西点军校) .Onemay be sur pr ised to lear n that both of them did not do well inthe school.Eisenhower ,for example,was once fined ( 罚款)because he broke the rules of the school.
  The jobs of U.S.presidents are tiring.He must keep aneye on anything impor tant which ha ppens both at home andabroad.Ever y day,a lot of work wa its for him t o do,and he hasto make ma ny import ant decisions.When Fra nklin Rooseveltwas a child,he was once br ought to visit Pr esident T aft.T heold president said t o him,"When you gr ow up,you should notbe pr esident .It' s a tiring job."
  (   ) 1.In the ninet eent h centur y,many U.S.presidents.
  A.did not have much knowledge in their work
  B.had been wor kers,shop - keeper s and post officer s intheir ear ly year s
  C.couldn' t r eceive good education before they gr ew up
  D.didn' t want to go t o school dur ing their childhood
  (   ) 2.Pr esident Eisenhower became well - known.
  A.while studying in West Point Militar y Academy
  B.dur ing t he Amer ican Civil War
  C.aft er he was elected President of the U.S.D.dur ingWorld War Ⅱ
  (   ) 3.I n this passage ," keep an eye on " means "".
  A.pay close at tent ion to ( 密切注意) B.not pay at tentionto
  C.look at something with one eye D.never keep in mind
  (   ) 4.Which do you think is the main idea of the secondpar agraph?
  A.Many of t he U.S.pr esident s had ser ved ( 服从) in thearmy befor e they took office.
  B.Only those who didn' t wor k hard at school but weregood at fighting could be pr esident .
  C.Eisenhower was Pr esident at the beginning of theSecond Wor ld Wa r.
  (   ) 5.According to this passage,who never went toschool
  A.Lincoln and Washington B.Fr anklin Roosevelt C.TaftD.Ulysses Gr ant
英语阅读理解求答案Many American presidents in the 19t h century were
许多美国总统在19世纪被博尔在贫困家庭.他们度过了童年的小woodenrooms.(1)他们没有教育(教育).(5)华盛顿andlincoln,例如,不去学校,他们taughtthemselves.林肯曾经工作的工人,后官店- keeperand早年.
该工作的美国总统是累人.他必须保持不重要的东西在国内外一切发生的时候.每一天,很多工作是其对他那样做,他必须作出许多重要的决定.当法国nklin rooseveltwas孩子,他曾经给参观总统不向不heold总统说他,“当你长大后,你不应该总统.这是一个累人的工作.”
B .已工人,商店老板和邮政官员在耳朵上的一年
C .不能接受良好的教育才能长大后
D .不想去上学期间的童年
C .在他当选总统,美国在战争Ⅱingworld
A .密切在帐篷离子(密切注意)B .不支付tentionto
B .只有那些不在学校努力工作但weregood在战斗可以总统.
C .艾森豪威尔总统在开始第二世界水河
A .林肯和华盛顿B神父anklin罗斯福taftd.尤利西斯蚂蚁