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求一篇以My move to Los Angeles in August 2012

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 11:02:28
求一篇以My move to Los Angeles in August 2012
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求一篇以My move to Los Angeles in August 2012
My move to Los Angeles in August 2012 represented not only a great professional challenge
—to work with only two senior bankers and cover all California financial institutions—but also a personaI opportunlty;a chance to broaden my views.I grew up in Paris and lived in the capital for 21 years before moving to New York;I definitely was a city girl! Los Angeles,however demanded that I adapt to a whole different world,where sport rather than opera rhythms the season
I knew that my first year in the Los Angeles office would be extremely bus y.In fact I worked 90 hours per week that year.To keep my health and a good spirit,I was determined to try and leam a sport that had always fascinated me:surfing.Thus I bought a brand new longboard and staI.ted the experience on a sunny Saturday afternoon under the merciless close examination of the local surfers,all males,who did not hide their disrespect for my pale skin and weak arms s0 typical of an investment_bankerl;Surfing seemed at first an impossible task:my board always mysteriously rebounded on my head,while the waves would break exactly where 1 was paddling(划).At work.“here was an explosion of lighter:why, a twenty-six year old Parisian,surfing?This had to be French humor!
I managed to practice every weekend.Last summer,I finally stood up on my board and rode
the wave to the beach.It was one of the most exciting moments of my life and although I still surf regularly,nothing matches my first wave nor the pride that I felt.Because I received little help and encouragement but I made it,I value this experience which was actually a full confidence builder.1.What would be the best title for the text?
A.Surfing:a chance to build self-confidence
B.Surfing:an opportunity to be French humor
C.Paddling on a longboard
D.Riding the wave to the beach
2·The author felt_ _when the board repeatedly hit her.
A·excited B. discouraged C.scared D.proud
3.It can be inferred from Para.2 that an investment banker .
A.enjoys all kinds of sports B.is good at surfing
C.goes in for outdoor activities D. seldom attends outdoor sports
4.Why was the author successful in surfing in the end?
A.Her endless practice helped her. B.Her workmates often encouraged her.
C.She was guided in a right way. D.She was helped by some senior bankers