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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:09:49
1、们只有分析过去才能展望未来.过去没有一个人往前想20 年能够预见到,由于在个人电脑、数码通讯和工厂机器人中应用芯片而使芯片这一项发明在许多方面改变了我们的世界.明天在生物工程、人工智能或甚至无法想象到的某项技术中所取得的成就会产生类似巨大变革的冲击波.但是有一点可以肯定:信息和知识将变得更为重要.拥有信息和知识的人,不管他们在制造业工作还是在第三产业工作,将独占鳌头,创造财富.假如你展望十年以后,那时信息产业必将独领风骚,应用信息处理问题将成为你办事的方法.
你好,神翻译是: Only do we analyze out past, so we can envision the future. In the past no one can foresee what's in 20 years. Because of personal computer, electronic communication and application of chips in robot manufacture, the creation of chips in so many ways changed our world. Tomorrow in biological engineering and human intelligence or in some technologies that we cannot imagine, achievements will generate waves and waves of revolution. But there is one thing for sure: information and knowledge will become more and more important. Those who have imformation and knowledge, no matter where they are, manufacture or service industry, will seize No.1 place and generate wealth. If you look foward in 10 years, information industry will definitely be on top of the world, solving problems with information will be the way.