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英语翻译New York is one of the last large Americancities to have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 19:35:44
New York is one of the last large American
cities to have some of its policemen on horse-
back.The New York police have 1 70 horses that
they use in certain parts of the city. ,
The horses are expensive to feed,but it is e-
ven more expensive to take care of them.Be—
cause the horses must walk on the streets,they
need special horseshoes.I n fact,they need more
than 8.000 of them each year.Every police horse
in New York gets new shoes every month.Keep—
ing these shoes in good repair is the job of six
blacksmiths.There are only about thirty—five of
these blacksmiths in the whole United States.
The cost of shoeing a h.orse is between twen—
ty dollars and thirty—five dollars,and it takes a
skilled blacksmith two to three hours to do the
A blacksmith’s job is not an easy one.He
’must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of plain
metal and then fit it to the horse’s hoof.The
blacksmith must be.nd over all the{ime he is fitting
the shoe and m ust hold the weight of the horse’s
leg while he works.Clearly,a blacksmith must be
very strong.But even more important,he must be
able to deal with hOrses—fOr before the black-
smith can begin his work,he has to get the horse
tO I.ft its leg.
One of the blacksmiths in New York is Jame.s
Corbin.who came to this country from I reland in
1 948.He not only shoe horses for the police,he
also works for a race track and for a group of
horse owners who l ive nea r the city.Corbi n be.
came interested in blacksmithing because his fa.
ther did it,and,as he puts it,“It’s a good way to
make a living.’’
英语翻译New York is one of the last large Americancities to have
JAME是纽约的一个铁匠 ,他1948年到这个国家定居.他不仅为警方做马鞋,还为那些住在城市附近的赛马爱好者做跑道.JAME是因为他的父亲才爱上铁匠这个工作,正如他说,这是赚取生计的好途径.人工翻译的