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1.——"____ his second heart attack if he hadn't smoked?"

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 09:38:36
1.——"____ his second heart attack if he hadn't smoked?"
—"He might not have."
A.Would he have had B.Would he have C.Had he had D.Were he to have
2.You may rely on ____ everything will be ready by Friday.
A.what B.which that C.that D.it that
3.The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ____ himself.
A.injured B.injure C.had injured D.would injure
4.Wherever there is matter,there is energy; all changes of matter ______ changes in the form of the energy.
A.retain B.include C.involve D.contain
5.The story that follows _____ two famous characters of the Rpcky Mountain gold rush days.
A.concerns B.states C.proclaims D.relates
1. A
对过去动作的虚拟,if从句使用过去完成时(hadn't smoked),而主句谓语由“would/could/might have done sth”构成.
变成疑问句时,只需要把would/could/might提前至句首即可,即变成Would/Could/Might he have had his second heart attack,即答案A为正解.
2. D
这是一个固定句型,即rely on后面加宾语从句时,一般先加it为形式宾语,再加上that引导的宾语从句.
即:rely on it that从句,意思是“指望...”.
3. D
lest意思是“以免,唯恐”并引导状语从句时,该从句一般使用虚拟语气,同样要求该从句谓语由“would/could/might/should + 动词原形”构成.
4. C
involve 涉及到.../包括...
retain vt.保留[持] 不忘; 记住雇用, 聘请(律师等)
include vt.包住, 关住 包含, 包括 算[计]入
involve vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果; 需要 使参与, 牵涉,涉及
D,contain vt.包含; 容纳,强调“所含的全部内容”.
5. A
concern 涉及...
B. state 规定;陈述,声明
C. proclaim 宣告,公布;表明;赞扬,称颂
D. relates 讲述,叙述;使……有联系;建立或展示联系