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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 21:41:45
Topic -  Climate change
Global warming will fundamentally change the economic landscape.(气候变暖将改变全球经济格局) The geopolitical situation would be significantly reshaped by global warming.(地缘政治格局将由于气候变暖而发生重大变化)
Parts of the world face the threat of falling under water due to rising sea level.(海平面上升威胁到世界部分地区)Numerous species are in danger of extinction as a result of climate change.(由于气候变化,大量物种濒临灭绝)The equilibrium of the existing ecosystem would be shattered by global warming.(现有的全球生态平衡将会因为全球变暖而打破)
再问: 每个观点还能再长一点嘛,每个观点要一段话
再答: 你说不用太长,我就没多写了,可以啊。
再问: 每个观点写一段把,我就采纳了
再答: Global warming will fundamentally change the economic landscape. The gap between rich and poor will continue to widen and poverty will be further exacerbated. As the consumption of energy is fueled up, the emission of green house gases grows exponentially, which makes the global warming even grave.

2. The geopolitical situation would be significantly reshaped by global warming. As natural resources never stop to dwindle, new rounds of technological revolution will spring up and all players will vie for dominance of the fast-changing world, new international orders of politics will be established.

3. Parts of the world face the threat of falling under water due to rising sea level, for instance, Tokyo and Maldives among many other areas are facing an alarming alert that they could be erased by the rising sea water in decades or not so distance future.

4. Numerous species are in danger of extinction as a result of climate change. The impact of global warming will be overwhelming and deadly consequences would be accompanied. As temperature goes up with more serious drought conditions, habitats of animals and plants will be battered, as a result, their living conditions will be badly changed and the livelihood is in danger.

5. The equilibrium of the existing ecosystem would be shattered by global warming. The chain of the ecosystem has never been broken until human beings sparked into beings millions of years ago. Human activities have succeeded breaking the chain bit by bit and the whole system would collapse, it's just a matter of time.
求一篇全英文的阐述一个问题,有5个以上观点就行,观点不用太长(老师让我们5个人上台来个report) 我想求一个 个性 英文 的个签 不要太长的 4 、5个单词就行 请尽快答复 关于水的议论文只用给出大概思路,不用给一篇文章我!记住,是议论文.我只要知道我要议论什么就行了!我要有正反2个观点,来作 写一篇英语的作文介绍4个school friends.作文不用太长.至少5句话以上. 学了《真理诞生于一百个问号以后》,摆出一个观点,然后用一个具体的事例来说明它(400以上)要快! 求一篇俞敏洪 《从容一生》 读后感 不用完整的文章也行,只要有观点和分析就好.急、、、好的再给100! 求一篇说服的英语作文写学校桌子问题的 观点是桌子小 矮之类的 不要太长 80词左右 可以的话随便给我个提纲 是写说服学校 2009年社会热点问题论文600字以上要求:结合当前社会某一热点、焦点问题,写一篇论文来阐述对这一热点焦点问题的观点和见 名人乐观故事,求几个名人乐观的故事,最好5个以上,最好有具体事例和说过的话,尽量是古今中外贯穿的!不用太长,一个50字以 求一篇关于校园生活的小日记,不用太长,最好有英文,60到120个单词就够了,最最好还有一副画.要跟作文有联系. (唯物论) 5个观点的原理跟方法论 急 现在求一篇大一英语范文,关于网络生活利弊的,要求观点鲜明,层次清晰,论证有力.不要太长,要求分条阐述网络生活的好处与坏处