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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 16:52:42
Modern disease is typical of the way of life of disease. Refers to the people for food, clothing, shelter and transportation and entertainment in the daily life of the bad behavior and social, economic, spirit, culture, the bad factors in the body, or mental illness. Modern social life, many people overdraw a lot of energy and fitness. Incontinent surf the Internet, long-term stay up a large number of drinking, smoking, excessive fatigue work and so on, cause due to insufficient sleep, human body biological clock rhythm disorder caused by the body of discomfort. DianNaoBing, KongDiaoBing, such as car disease, holidays such as a modern disease syndrome, troubled and threatening the health of the people. In the face of these conditions, people gradually realize, "modern disease" is passing health crisis caused worrying. For example, "the police heel" : the disease refers to for a long time to walk by bursitis, patients more police; Work stress syndrome: when the staff and work units produce not coordination between, can appear work under pressure; "Walkman pattern hair loss" : if you always listen to music with stereo headphones, may cause large area or local, hair temporarily or long-term fall off; "Drag sex hair loss" : in some type of long-term comb or the long-term use of head electronic receiver easy to hair loss and new hair hard to grow. So, how to prevent the modern disease? 1. A balanced diet, vitamin and minerals. 2. The sunshine. Sunlight can change the brain signals of some material content, and make receiving sunbathers have relaxed feeling. Half an hour in the morning light effect is obvious. 3. Exercise, positive exercises can improve the efficiency of the production capacity. In the holidays and weekends outing, far away from the noisy city. 5. Don't rely on coffee and alcohol refreshing.
英语翻译现代病是典型的生活方式疾病.是指人们因衣、食、住、行及娱乐等日常生活中的不良行为和社会、经济、精神、文化等方面的 北宋百姓日常生活状况是什么样的?(集市和娱乐·体育等方面) 文化源于生活,生活是文化的缩影.蒙古族牧民日常生活中的衣、食、住、行正是草原文化的典型代表. 英语翻译价值观是不同社会历史进程中政治、经济、思想、文化和道德等诸多方面因素趋同作用的结果.它不可能不随着社会的发展而变 19世纪末中国的社会状况(经济,文化和阶级结构等方面) 简略一点, 拉美的国际市场营销环境(经济环境,社会文化,科学技术等方面)? 从经济、政治、文化等方面说明传统社会向现代社会转变的历史规律? 从衣、食、住、行、用等方面的变化中任选一例,说明改革开放对人们生活方式产生的影响. 在近代中国,剪辫、易饰、废止缠足、改称呼等,不仅是社会变迁在人们日常生活中的突出反映,同时更因其时代背景而具有了象征性的 有关我国自改革开放特别是党的十六大以来在经济、政治、文化和社会建设等方面取得的伟大成就的填空题,也可以是简答题. 列举14-17世纪欧洲社会巨变在经济、思想文化、对外关系和政治制度方面的典型表现 英语翻译文化是一种包含精神价值和生活方式的生态共同体.它通过积累和引导创建集体人格.