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1.Which of the following sentences is correct?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/03 14:47:29
1.Which of the following sentences is correct?
A.What do you say that the population of Shanghai is?
B.How many people do you think does shanghai have?
C.what do you think the population of Shanghai is?
D.What do you tell is the population of Shanghai?
2.A love marriage,however,does not necessarily ( ) much sharing of interests and responsibilities.
A.take over B.result in C.hold on D.keep to
3.As an excellent shooter,Peter practiced aiming at both ( ) targets and moving targets.
A.stationery B.standing C.stable D.still
4.Tom has been a vegetarian ( )for years.
A.in B.on C.for D.by
1.Which of the following sentences is correct?
3 D,静止的
再问: 那第一个题呢呢,,,,恩,第二个懂了,,第三个里面的选项都是 静止的 的意思啊,,关键是看区别, 第四个没有多for,,for years本来就是 很多年的意思啊,
再答: 第一题应该是C do you think/say 都是插入语,没有实际意义。但是没有do you tell, 故D排除。 A. What do you say that the population of Shanghai is?--that 此处多余。原句应该是What is the population of Shanghai?加入插入语之后,原句改成陈述语序,不需要加入其他成分。 B.How many people do you think does shanghai have?--正确:How many people do you think shanghai has. 不好意思,第三题选错了。网上查了下。stationary常与target连用。至于区别,网上没有。查下牛津字典吧,专四已经是好几年前的事了。 至于第四题,网上是这样的。 Tom has been a vegetarian ____ principle for years. A. in B.on C. for D. by 参考答案是:B 【句意】多年来,汤姆一直是一个按原则行事的素食者。 【难点】on principle意为“根据行为准则;按照原则”;in principle意为“原则上;基本上;大体上”。for和by不与principle搭配。 因为不确定是不是正确的,所以再问下老师吧,或参考书。不好意思哦。