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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 17:56:48
(一个上海人去美国工作,他只会讲4句英文,就是Yes,No,OK,Thank you.他到了一家公司上班,第一天,他看见桌子上有一份文件,就把它印了出来,老板见了,就问他:“这些是你做的吗?'他听不懂,就勉强回答:"Yes."老板又问:“你现在累不累?”他又回答:“NO.”老板就说了:"要不要我给你加薪?”他答:“OK.”老板想了想,说:"一个月我给你加2美元行吗?”他答:“Thank you.”于是,他的薪水就提高了.
第二天,他又去上班了.但今天,老板的钻戒丢了,他一边走一边找,看见了那个上海人,就问他:“你看见我的钻戒了吗?”上海人心想,这次我还得加薪,于是便答:“YES!”老板心里有底了,就高兴的问:“你能给我吗?”上海人说:“NO!”老板急了,说:“你要是不给我,你就给我出去!”他答:“OK!”老板恶狠狠的说:“我报警了啊!”上海人答:“Thank you!”
once a guy from shanghai went to work in america,but he can only speak “yes,no,ok,thank u”on his first day in a company,he saw a document on the desk and he printed it.then the boss came and asked him:“did you print that paper?”the guy didn't understand what his boss asked and said“yes”then the boss asked:“are you tired?” the guy answered:“no.” the boss asked again:“shall i improve your salary?” the guy said:“ok!”in reply of the boss.the boss thought a while and said:“is two dollars more a month ok?”the guy said:“thank u.”then he had his salary rised.
the other day,the guy went to work,but unfortunately,his boss lost his diamond ring,the boss searched everywhere and saw that guy from shanghai,so he asked him:“did you see my diamond ring?”the guy thought his boss would rised his salary again and said:“yes" the boss was very happy and asked:"can you give it back to me?"that guy said :"no" the boss said anxiously:"go out of here if you dont't give it back to me!" the guy answered:'ok." the boss was very angry and said:"I'll call the police!" the stupid guy said:'thank U"