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求一篇以a time of change为题的英语演讲稿,二分钟左右.

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求一篇以a time of change为题的英语演讲稿,二分钟左右.
求一篇以a time of change为题的英语演讲稿,二分钟左右.
time of changeOctober 15, 2007 to 21, the world's 17 major Chinese Communist victory in Beijing was held at the conference, Comrade Hu Jintao made a speech entitled "to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics to capture a well-off society and strive for new victories," report. The theme is: to hold high the great banner of socialism to Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, in-depth implementation of the scientific concept of development, continue to emancipate the mind, persist in reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony, for to win a well-off society and strive for new victories. The General Assembly agreed to the scientific concept of development into the party constitution. Communist China also raised the 17 largest fifteen years of compulsory education, which is more exciting and looks forward to the news. On that day, the students have discussions at their mutual transmission of the news, as well as our teachers told us the news. After school, I could not wait to tell the parents and sister, but sister has doubts and said: "When? I do not know how long, and you and I could work out." Hesitation I replied: "is it? Should not Goodbye! may not benefit us, but also --------" father said: "On one occasion, not to say that is free to implement it? implementation of the results up to now only a part of the region free of charge, when they could do primary and secondary schools throughout the country the case? "So, I implemented the program for those who are also dissatisfied with the pace, but I also respect and look forward to the proposed 17 large and medium-sized, really hope that he can as soon as possible. People-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the scientific concept of development. In contemporary China, adhering to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents", it is necessary to firmly establish and fully implement the scientific concept of development. Therefore, it is written into the constitution is a wise choice. I know that this is since the party's National Congress in order to Hu Jintao as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, the party and the people focus on the development of the overall situation, closely focusing on building socialism with Chinese characteristics of this theme, constantly sum up experience and the formation of the scientific development concept . As science advances, the development of productive forces, and then gradually the rich people's lives up. Unfair because the rich people's lives has been the development of productive forces, raised, but also because unswervingly adhere to the party in the primary stage of socialism's basic line. "Reform is the driving force, development is the last word, stability overrides everything else." Reformer is the essence of the socialist system of self-improvement and development of economic and social development of a powerful driving force. The fundamental purpose of reform is to form in all respects with the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism suited to more mature, more stereotyped system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is full of vigor and vitality. Grandpa of Deng Xiaoping once said: "firm grip on the party's" main center, two basic points "of the basic line, and never waver in one hundred years, the state will be able to long-term stability, China has been promising." Since reform and opening up, our lives would be thriving today. Clothing: In the past, grandparents generation, regardless of how the kind of style, how新旧程度, as long as the clothes. They will be very happy. In those days, clothing is very急缺, and in many families, usually through his brother, and left his brother to wear, and sometimes a two people take turns to wear pants. These are said to listen to my grandfather. But now society has developed, people's lives changed for the better material, and clothes are not missing, as in the past do not need a. Now is not the people, ah do not wear fashionable, rather than brand-name non-wearing. Today, our life is not only rich but also to understand the artistic beauty. Fresh: The mother's father's generation, as long as there has been very good to eat by. I heard my mother said that in their year's opportunity to eat pork is almost impossible, they eat most of the sweet potatoes. But now we not only eat about its taste, but also about its packaging. This is not a show of China's economic development. Live: in the older generation of that time, many people no place to live, as long as there is a local遮风挡雨on the already very good, and how can live together regardless of how many people, how does the structure of housing. But now the rich people's lives and economic conditions changed for the better, and also to live a new stress. Houses have become more sophisticated, more and more the United States. Line: in the old China, people go to a distant place most of them are more坐马车walk or ride a bike or, therefore, is very inconvenient journey. But now is different, social progress and scientific development, and improved economic conditions, aircraft, ah, train, ah, ah car so transport is also more, go to visit relatives, shopping, tourism is also much more convenient, more comfortable. Therefore, it is more and more people around to different places to see to see. To see the prosperity of the society, I believe that the convening of a large 17 and under the leadership of the party, people's lives will have a brighter future, eventually building a moderately prosperous society to achieve this goal2007年10月15日至21日,举世瞩目的中共十七大在北京胜利召开,胡锦涛同志在大会上作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜为夺全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗》的报告.大会的主题是:高举特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗.大会一致同意将科学发展观写入党章. 中共十七大还提出了十五年的义务教育,这是更令人兴奋和期待的消息了.在那天,同学分们纷纷议论相互传递这消息,还有我们的老师也跟我们说了这个消息.放学后,我迫不及待地告诉了父母和姐姐,但姐姐却疑惑地说:“实施时?不知要多久了,你我都有可能出来工作了.”我迟疑地答道:“是吗?应该不会吧!虽然不能惠及我们,但也--------”爸爸说:“有一次,不是说要实施全免吗?结果到现在实行只是免费一部分地区,到什么时候才能做到遍及全国的中小学了呢?”因此,我对那些方案的实施速度也比较不满,但我也十分尊敬和期待十七大中所提出的,也希望他能尽快落实. 以人为本,全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观.在当代中国,坚持马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,就必须牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观.所以把它写入党章是个明智的选择.我知道这是党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中共,着眼于党和人民事业发展的全局,紧紧围绕建设中国特色社会主义这个主题,不断总结经验,形成了科学发展观.因为科学的发达,生产力发展了,人民生活随之逐渐富裕起来了.人民生活富裕不公因为生产力发展了、提高了,更是因为毫不动摇地坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线.“改革是动力,发展是硬道理,稳定压倒一切.”改革者的实质是社会主义制度的自我完善和发展,是经济和社会发展强大动力.改革的根本目的就是要在各方面形成与社会主义初级阶段基本国情相适应比较成熟的、比较定型的制度,它使中国特色社会主义充满了生机和活力.邓小平爷爷出曾经说过:“牢牢把握党的“主个中心,两个基本点”的基本路线,一百年不动摇,国家就能长治久安,中国就大有希望了.” 因为改革开放,我们的生活才会有今天的欣欣向荣. 衣:以前爷爷奶奶那一代,不管款式是怎么样的、新旧程度如何,只要有衣服穿.他们就会十分高兴了.在那个年代,衣服是非常急缺的,在很多家庭里,通常哥哥穿过的,留给弟弟穿,有时还一条裤子两个人轮流穿.这些都是听我外公说的.但现在社会发展了,人们的生活物质变好了,衣服也不缺了,也不需要像以前那样了.现在的人啊不是时髦的不穿,不是名牌的不穿了.今天,我们的生活不仅富裕而且还懂得了艺术美. 食:在爸爸妈妈的那一代,只要有吃的就已经很好了.我听妈妈说,在她们那个年代一年中吃到猪肉的机会几乎是没有,她们每天吃的大多数是蕃薯.可是现在我们对吃的不仅讲究它的味道,也讲求它的包装.这不是说明了我国经济发展了. 住:在老一辈的那个年代,很多人都没地方住,只要有个地方遮风挡雨就已经很不错了,哪能管它多少人一起住,房屋的构造如何呢.但现在人们的生活富裕的,经济条件变好了,对住方面也有了新的讲究.房子也越来越高,越来越美. 行:在旧中国的时候,人们去一个比较远的地方大多数都是步行或者是坐马车更或者是骑自行车,因此,出远门都很不方便.可是现在就不同了,社会进步了,科学发展了,经济条件提高了,飞机啊、火车啊、汽车啊等等交通工具也多了,出门探亲、逛街、旅游也方便多了,舒服多了.因此,现在越来越多的人去不同的地方走走,去见识见识. 看到这样繁荣昌盛的社会,我相信十七大的召开,并且在党的领导下,人民的生活会更加美好,最终也会实现全面建设小康社会这一项目标.