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英语翻译The world watched anxiously on Wednesday as North Korea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 07:36:52
The world watched anxiously on Wednesday as North Korea staged a huge funeral in the capital,Pyongyang,for former leader Kim Jong-il,searching for signs of what to expect from the isolated nation that may be close to attaining nuclear weapons capacity.
Bleak pictures from state television showed a funeral cortege led by a limousine carrying a huge picture of the 69-year old,who died on December 17,passing serried ranks of olive green-clad soldiers whose bare heads were bowed in homage in the main square of the snow-covered capital.
英语翻译The world watched anxiously on Wednesday as North Korea
再问: 对不起啊,已经补充过了!
再答: 整个世界在星期三都焦虑地关注着在北朝鲜首都平壤为前国家领导人金日成举办的葬礼,希望能找出这个孤立的国家愿意放弃核武器实验的信号. 透过国家电视台放送的惨淡的图片显示出由一辆豪华轿车运送的棺材,棺材上带着一副巨大的(金日成)照片,他死于12月17日,享年69岁.(豪华轿车)从经过了密麻麻成群结队的穿着橄榄绿军装的士兵们之后穿过了覆盖着白雪的首都主广场..士兵们光秃秃的头因为崇敬/敬意而低下. 定语好多好复杂,这么两小段话花了我20来分钟...惭愧 希望能帮到你