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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 20:04:50
通过我对叶芝生平传记及其作品的研究,总括他早期作品的象征主义主要来源于三大点:他整个人生旅程中所听到并记录下来的民间传说,他拜读过的含有象征主义的文学作品及剧作,以及影响了他一生的对Maud Gonne的爱情渴望.我将从这三点逐一分析.
Through my biographies of Yeats and his work on the study,to sum up the symbolism of his early work comes mainly from three main points:the whole of his life's journey have heard and recorded folk tales that he had read containing symbolism literary works and plays,as well as the impact of his life against the desire to Maud Gonne's love.I will analyze each of these three points.