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英语翻译有人养着一只狗和一头驴子,主人常同狗一起嬉戏.有一天,他外出吃饭,带回一些食 物,扔给狗吃.狗高兴得摇着尾巴迎了

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 15:08:45
有人养着一只狗和一头驴子,主人常同狗一起嬉戏.有一天,他外出吃饭,带回一些食 物,扔给狗吃.狗高兴得摇着尾巴迎了上去.驴子非常羡慕,也蹦蹦跳跳跑了过去,结果踢 了主人一脚.主人十分气愤,痛打了驴子一顿,并把它拴在马槽边.这故事说明,同样的事情不一定适合于所有的人.
英语翻译有人养着一只狗和一头驴子,主人常同狗一起嬉戏.有一天,他外出吃饭,带回一些食 物,扔给狗吃.狗高兴得摇着尾巴迎了
The Ass and the Lapdog驴子与小狗
A MAN had an Ass,and a Maltese Lapdog,a very great beauty.The Ass was left in a stable and had plenty of oats and hay to eat,just as any other Ass would.The Lapdog knew many tricks and was a great favorite with his master,who often fondled him and seldom went out to dine without bringing him home some tidbit to eat.The Ass,on the contrary,had much work to do in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm.He often lamented his own hard fate and contrasted it with the luxury and idleness of the Lapdog,till at last one day he broke his cords and halter,and galloped into his master's house,kicking up his heels without measure,and frisking and fawning as well as he could.He next tried to jump about his master as he had seen the Lapdog do,but he broke the table and smashed all the dishes upon it to atoms.He then attempted to lick his master,and jumped upon his back.The servants,hearing the strange hubbub and perceiving the danger of their master,quickly relieved him,and drove out the Ass to his stable with kicks and clubs and cuffs.The Ass,as he returned to his stall beaten nearly to death,thus lamented:"I have brought it all on myself!Why could I not have been contented to labor with my companions,and not wish to be idle all the day like that useless little Lapdog!"
英语翻译有人养着一只狗和一头驴子,主人常同狗一起嬉戏.有一天,他外出吃饭,带回一些食 物,扔给狗吃.狗高兴得摇着尾巴迎了 求英语翻译:.我外出拜访布莱克先生,并同他的家人一起吃饭 英语翻译你吃饭了吗?和我一起吃吧. 英语翻译动物是人类的朋友.我最喜欢的动物是狗,他们非常可爱.而且他们非常友善,主人下班后,会高兴地蹦来蹦去,摇摇尾巴.他 我很高兴和我的朋友一起吃饭 英语翻译 怎么了解动物的心情我只知道狗吐舌头是闷热摇尾巴是高兴还有呢? 一头驴子不小心掉进一口枯井里,他哀怜的喊求救,期待主人把它救出去,驴子的主人召集了数位亲邻出谋划策,确实想不出办法搭救驴 狗的智商?我发现狗的智商也不低啊?你打它 它也不高兴 你给它东西吃 它也高兴,看到自己的主人脸一拉下来 自己躲起来了 , 这则寓言的寓意一只狮子的脖子上被挂了一个标签,写着:驴子.狮子发怒,不停地辩白它是一头狮子,可人们还是叫他驴子,并给他拿 小明到canteen吃饭,他吃的菜是:鸡腿,可是小明把肉和骨头一起吃了,为什么? 英语翻译我给小狗洗了个热水澡,并用吹风机把它的毛吹干,它亲热得冲我摇尾巴.这真是一条漂亮的小狗,有着长长的黄毛和大大的眼 英语翻译我看到了许多流浪狗,他们被人抛弃,无家可归.有一天的中午,我和我的室友在阳台上看到有两只流浪狗,在草坪上嬉戏玩耍