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英语翻译I'm a sound engrneer in a recording studio' I work five

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 01:48:13
I'm a sound engrneer in a recording studio' I work five days a week,Monday to Friday.When l arrive at the studio l look at the timetable.We record music and other things.l go into the studio and get everything ready.Then we start to record.l'm busy all day,but l usually have a break for a sandwich in the studio at one o'clock and l leave the studio at five.My job is quite difficult.but l like it.l play the piano after work so l like working witk musicians.
My job is to invent new things,and l work when l've got an idea.My studio is in my house,so l can invent when l want to.Sometimes l work seven days a week; sometimes don't work for days.l do all my creative work here,but l leave the house to go to meetings.
l usually get up at about five o'clock.l make some tea,and begin work at six.l drink tea all day,but l don't eat anything until the evening.
First l tidy the studio.l turn on the answerphone because l can't speak to people when l'ce got an idea.Then l start work.l usually have a break after two or three hours,but l don't leave the studio.l do something different to help me relax.l usually stop work at about nine o'clock in the evening l think about my work most of the time even when l'm out.l'm interested in what's around me and l like looking for new ideas,new problems to solve.
英语翻译I'm a sound engrneer in a recording studio' I work five