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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 15:11:55
Recently, more and more students choose to outside renters, they think it can get rid of the shackles of their parents, so as to gain greater autonomy, but, outside renters has both advantages and disadvantages, not the parents of the bundle, we may not control play mobile phone, may not be safe, efficiency may not write operation high, so, my suggestion is, still live at home
再问: 不行啊
再答: Tuesday morning ten points to eleven points, our school will carry on the earthquake drill, concrete steps are as follows, first class introduces us to escape the matters needing attention during the earthquake, and then the classmates remember their evacuation routes, hear the signals the start of evacuation drill, the last teacher lead the class to the playground set, I think there is much the necessity of such an event, because when the earthquake came suddenly, not very hard to calm the drill in the emergency situation occurs
再答: 那要什么
再问: 简单点
再问: 有题目规范的
再答: 多少字
再答: 我给你手写吧
再问: 嗯额,100词左右吧!
再问: 简单最好了!
再答: 你要保证采纳我哈
再答: 嘿嘿
再问: 嗯,一定帮我啊,我都愁死了
再问: 我等你啊
再答: 好啊 以后我每周都可以写
再问: 嗯嗯,希望你可以帮我,你现在在写吗
再答: 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。
再问: 讲的什么
再答: 这周我的英语有了提高,谢谢老师的帮助
再答: 第二段主要写朋友也帮我提高了英语
再问: 好像小学的作文,能不能用点短语和语法,用点高中学的简单的词语啊
再答: 你不让难。。
再答: 好桑心
再答: 我重新来
再问: 谢谢!再来个写点学校组织的活动和感想
再答: 我去 又要重新嘛