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英语翻译海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)(1880年6月27日-1968年6月1日),是美国20世纪著名的集聋、盲

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:36:37
海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)(1880年6月27日-1968年6月1日),是美国20世纪著名的集聋、盲于一身的女作家,教育家和演讲者,她凭借坚强的意志考入哈佛大学的拉德克里夫学院,成为世界上第一个完成大学教育的盲聋人,曾入选美国《时代周刊》评选的“人类十大偶像”之一,被授予“总统自由奖章”.  海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)1880年6月27日出生于亚拉巴马州北部一个叫塔斯喀姆比亚的城镇.她天生聪明伶俐,出生不到六个月,便能清楚地说出「tea」(茶)等几个单字,对周围事物的感受性更是敏锐.但是,她在19个月的时候猩红热夺去了她的视力和听力,不久,她又丧失了语言表达能力.然而就在这黑暗而又寂寞的世界里,她并没有放弃,而是自强不息,并在她的导师安妮·莎利文的努力下,海伦用顽强的毅力克服生理缺陷所造成的精神痛苦.她热爱生活,会骑马、滑雪、下棋,还喜欢戏剧演出,喜爱参观博物馆和名胜古迹,并从中得到知识,学会了读书和说话,并开始和其他人沟通.而且以优异的成绩毕业于美国拉德克利夫学院,成为一个学识渊博的人,掌握英、法、德、拉丁、希腊五种文字的著名作家和教育家.她走遍美国和世界各地,为盲人学校募集资金,把自己的一生献给了盲人福利和教育事业.她赢得了世界各国人民的赞扬,并得到许多国家政府的嘉奖.  20世纪,一个独特的生命个体以其勇敢的方式震撼了世界,她——海伦·凯勒,一个生活在黑暗中却又给人类带来光明的女性,一个度过了生命的88个春秋,却熬过了87年无光、无声、无语的孤绝岁月的弱女子.  然而,正是这么一个幽闭在盲聋哑世界里的人,竟然毕业于哈佛大学德克利夫学院;并用生命的全部力量处处奔走,建起了一家家慈善机构,为残疾人造福,被美国《时代周刊》评选为20世纪美国十大英雄偶像.  创造这一奇迹,全靠一颗不屈不挠的心.海伦接受了生命的挑战,用爱心去拥抱世界,以惊人的毅力面对困境,终于在黑暗中找到了人生的光明面,最后又把慈爱的双手伸向全世界.  海伦·凯勒自幼因病成为盲聋哑人,但她自强不息,克服巨大困难读完大学.一生写了十几部作品,同时致力于救助伤残儿童,保护妇女权益和争取种族平等的社会活动.1964年获得总统自由勋章.  著名作家马克吐温曾说:“海伦·凯勒和拿破仑是19世纪两个最杰出的人.拿破仑试图用武力征服世界,他失败了;海伦·凯勒用笔征服世界,她成功了.”
英语翻译海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)(1880年6月27日-1968年6月1日),是美国20世纪著名的集聋、盲
Hellen Keller is an American famous woman writer educator and speaker who is deaf and blind in 20th century.She entered the Harvard University, Radcliffe by her tough will and become the first blind deaf guy who finished the college curriculum in the whole world.She has been chosen as one of the ten human idoles by the Amercian times magazine and granted the medal of the president freedom.
Hellen Keller was born in a small town named(塔斯喀姆比亚) which in the northern part of the Alabama on June 27th 1880.She was very smart and can speak some simple words clealy like tea when she was only 6 month and she was very sensitive to the things arround.However, she became blind and deaf because the Scarlet fever when she was 19 months and soon she lost her ability of speaking.But she never gives up in the dark and lonely world.With the help of her teacher Anne Sally wen,Heller tried her best to overcome the physiological deficiency.She loves her life and she can riding skiing play chess preforming in a drama and visiting museum and places of interest.
再问: 还有嘞嘿嘿,谢谢
再答: 我说了会慢慢翻译的,一天翻译太多会受不了的。and learn how read and communicate with the others.She bome a erditional person and graduated from the Radcliffe College, becoming a man of, master English, French, German, Latin, Greece five words of the famous writer and educator.She travel around the world and raising money for the blind people.She donated all her life for the social beneficial and educational careers. She owned the praises of people all over the world and granted by many coutries' goverment.Hellen Keller,who is live in the blind but bing the bright to the othes,who has 87years wihout light and voice in all her 88yeas, shocked the world in 20th century as a single person by a courage way.However,just this person who suffered so much have graduated from the Harvard University, Radcliffe and dedicated all her life to build numerous charity institutions and granted as the 10 hero idoles in America by the American time magazine. It is all because Hellen never give up that she can make such a miracle.She accepted the the chellege of the life, to embrace the world with love and deal with the hardships with incredibal perseverense so that she find the bright side of the world and dedicate her power to help the world. As a blind deaf person,Hellen Keller never give up and overcame the hardship to finish the university.During her life,she has written 10 more books and try her best to assist the disabled children, protect women's rights and fight for the racial equality of social activities.She got the the president freedom medal in 1964. 著The famous America writer Mark twain said that"Helen Keller and napoleon is the 19th century two most outstanding person. Napoleon tried to conquer the world with force, he failed; Helen Keller pen to conquer the world, she succeeded." 好多啊,终于翻译完了,最后一句你自己找原文吧,我没找到,就自己翻译了