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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 02:45:50
The TPB(Ajzen,1985)is a cognitive model of human behavior,in which the
central focus is the prediction and understanding of clearly defined behaviors.
According to Ajzen,the principal predictor of behavior is intention.People tend to
act in accordance with their intention to engage in a behavior.Intention can be
regarded as a motivation to engage in a particular behavior and represents an
individual’s expectancies about his/her behavior in a given setting.Fishbein and
Ajzen(1975)operationalized intention as the likelihood to act.Intention is
influenced by attitude,subjective norm,and perception of control over the behavior.Attitude toward a particular act represents a person’s overall positive and negative
beliefs and evaluations of the behavior.In turn,attitude is derived from salient
behavioral beliefs of particular outcomes and evaluation of those outcomes.
Subjective norm is an individual’s perception of general social pressures from
important others to perform or not to perform a given behavior.It,in turn,is
determined by an individual’s normative beliefs and his/her motivation to comply
with his/her referents.Lastly,perceived behavioral control represents an individual’s
perception of whether the performance of the behavior is under one’s control;
‘‘control’’reflects whether the behavior is,on the one hand,easily executed(control
beliefs)and whether,on the other,the required resources,opportunities,and
specialized skills are available(perceived control)(Conner et al.,1999).
478S.Cheng et al./Hospitality Management 24(2005)475–492
TPB是一个人类行为认知的模型.它的关注在于理解并预言被清楚定义的行为.Ajzen表明意图是最主要的行为预报器.意图被视为人们的行为的动机而且代表人们在所在的情况下的期望.Fishbein and Ajzen(1975) 使用意图,把它当作行动的可能性.意图可以被态度,主观规范和对于行为控制的理解所影响.和特定行为有关系的态度代表了一个人的所有的积极的和消极的信仰以及对于该行为的评价.态度依次产生于显而易见的这些行为带来的特定结果以及对于这些结果的评价;主观规范是个人的标准化的信仰以及他们遵守这些指示物的动机;最后,可察觉的对行为的控制代表了个人对于是否行为在于他们的控制之下的感觉,‘控制’一方面代表了行为是否在人们控制之下,并且能简单的被这些人操作(控制的信仰),另一方面,进行这些行为所要求的资源,机会以及专门的技术是否可得(可察觉的控制).