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1They (fly)kites in the park ,are they?2 Shall we()the meeti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 22:40:06
1They (fly)kites in the park ,are they?2 Shall we()the meeting?Sure.Let us() them
Ajoin in,join in Bjoin,joinCjoin in,join 3The desk is made()wood and the wine is made()rice.A of,of B from,from C of,from4You will believe me if you go and see the pyramids()yourselves A by B to C with 5 There are so many wonderful places for us()in Beijing.A to look B to look at them C to go to 6When John(),please call to tell me A reach B arrives C arrive at 7 I often()the theatre at half()seven.A pass,past B go pass,past C to past,pass 8He needs to keep fit,()he?A does not B is not C need not 9 Do you have a plan()this holiday?A of B for C in10 Thanks()the secret()for me.A to keep,for B for keeping,toC for keeping,for11 I find some information on thr Internet,can you ()?A write it down B write down them C write it up 12 The winter holiday is coming,will you make a plan()it?A to B in C for 13If you want to come,please tell us()A as soon as possible B as soon as possibly C as soon as you could 14Can you join in the dance tomorrow evening?()A Yes,you canB No,i can not C No,i am afraid not15 Do you agree (meet)me at the school gate?16I can not draw at the (begin)but i draw very well now17We are preparing(hold)a party18 Who will you have (go)with us tomorrow?19Thank you for (let)us (have)a rest20Mr Wu went to the city with Kitty and (I)
1They (fly)kites in the park ,are they?2 Shall we()the meeti
2 C 3C 4A 5A 6B 7A 8A 9B 10C 第十题题目是不是错了. 11A 12C 13A 14C 15应该是meeting 16 beginning 17 holding 18 to go 19 letting have 20 me
再问: 第十题后面是me,不是for me。能不能解释下前面的题的答案,不管怎么说,您回答了这问题,我很高兴,谢谢!!!
再答: 2:join in 是加入某个团体组织party等,join有和什么什么一起的意思 3:很好理解,of+材料,from+来源。 4:by oneself 短语。 5:there be。。。for sb to do也算短语,也很常用。这里的to ,有in order to 的意思,为了什么什么 6:第三人称单数 动词状态就可以知道选那个 到达某个地方,一般用arrive,reach有赶上够得着,一般指大地方。 7:pass是一个动作,past超过一般只多出去的多少,算个汉语语法中的介词吧,half past +时间也是常用短语 8:反问,前面用的He needs,所以后面应该用助动词do 9:have/make plan for 短语 10:thanks for+ing ,为某人做什么 自然用for sb。 11:write sth down,write down,短语 12:同9 13:as soon as possible 最基本的短语 14:Can you join in the dance 这里有jion in 的用法,可以回过头去看看第二题,这个题本来B 、C都可以,但是C比较委婉,为最佳答案,B太粗暴的拒绝了。 15:agree+ing 所以是meeting 16:begin是一个动词,这里用名词形式,在最初,at the beginning。 17:我做错了,应该是be prepare to do,所以应该是 to hold。 18:have sb to do,短语 19:同10,thanks for+ing, let sb do 记住了 20:这个答案我问了好多以前同学,有争议,但是我觉得me应该是正确答案,你最好找英语老师解答最终答案 希望对你有帮助,要得你的这点分真难,希望将此答案采纳为最佳,谢谢。如有问题,欢迎至信息Q:346248261 。。17题用to do ,prepare后面一般接to 和 for 介词,意思分别为准备做什么 和 为了什么做准备。