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英语翻译MuteMath is one of the most original new bands to arrive

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/29 10:00:42
MuteMath is one of the most original new bands to arrive upon the music scene in recent years.Formed from the ashes of the band Earthsuit,MuteMath displays a diverse range of styles fusing elements of rock,jazz,reggae,electronica and rave into a seamless whole.The band consists of former Earthsuit members Paul Meany on keyboards and vocals and Darren King on drums along with guitarist Greg Hill.Together,they have made a promising mark with their debut EP "Reset".The disc opens with a high-energy uptempo number entitled "Control" which shows off an obvious U2 influence with its chiming guitars and anthemic choruses."Peculiar People" shifts into white-reggae gears and sounds like an outtake from the Police's "Regatta de Blanc".Paul Meany's vocals even have a slight Sting tinge to them.Lyrically,the song is based on Isaiah 40:31 which states 'they that wait upon the Lord shall..fly with wings as eagles'."OK" is an uplifting ballad in the style of Delirious.While the lyrics aren't exactly worship-oriented,they do offer a vast amount of comfort and hope and can be encouraging to those going through life's many trials.The EP's title track is probably the most adventerous of all the ones on this disc.Being totally instrumental,this piece features elements of electronica and rave music and is centered around Darren King's syncopated and processed drumming alongside Paul Meany's atmospheric electric piano chords.All the while,there are various electronic sound effects scattered throughout the track along with samples of the string section heard on Delirious's "Glo In The Dark-part 4" from their "Glo" album.The overall sound of this track is a cross between Moby,Radiohead and The Chemical Brothers.The dance music element continues in the next track,"Plan B".Once again,King's drumming drives this piece but there are more structured elements here than in the previous track.Meany's vocals sound like a cross between Sting,Bono and Donald Fagen here and the tracks middle section sounds like a meeting of Steely Dan and U2's "Pop"/"Achtung Baby" period.The closing track "Progress" also has carries a Steely Dan/Police influence with a slight experimental edge to it while the final track "Afterward" is nothing more than a minutes worth of ambient guitar/keyboard atmospherics.Despite this CD being only 30-minutes long.There is a lot to digest with MuteMath's "Reset".This band definitely does not stick to just one style of music.The eclectic nature of the band and their music makes for a refreshing listening experience.Their sound is very original while showing influences from many great artists before them (mainly the aforementioned Police,Steely Dan and U2) and their lyrics are just plain awesome - full of hope,inspiration and comfort.If you're looking for something new yet entirely original and innovate,check out "Reset" from MuteMath - an excellent debut from a promising up and coming band.
英语翻译MuteMath is one of the most original new bands to arrive
MuteMath是近年来音乐舞台上最具独创性的一支新乐队.MuteMath在Earthsuit乐队的基础上组建,展示了一种多变的风格,把摇滚,爵士,瑞格舞曲的因素完美地融合在一起.乐队由前Earthsuit乐队的成员Paul Meany(键盘和主唱)和Darren King (鼓),以及吉他手Greg Hill组成.他们一起,用他们的首张细碟"Reset"打了个漂亮仗.这张光盘的第一首乐曲是一段动感十足的快速旋律,叫做“控制”.其中的吉他旋律和背景和声都明显地炫耀着来自U2的影响.“奇怪的人们”马上转换成了瑞格的节拍,听起来就象是警察乐队的 "Regatta de Blanc"中的一个片段.甚至Paul Meany的声音都有一点Sting的风格在里面.就歌词来看,这首歌是基于旧约 - 以赛亚书(Isaiah) 第 40 章31节而作,它说“但那等候耶和华的..必如鹰展翅上腾”."OK" 是一首Delirious风格、情绪高涨的叙述曲.在歌词并不完全具有宗教信仰导向的同时,它确实能给那些历经生活磨难的人们巨大的安慰、无穷的期待和鼓励.细碟的主打曲也许是这张光盘最富冒险性的一首,集合了电子和锐舞音乐元素的曲子完全器乐演奏,主要是Darren King的鼓点伴随着Paul Meany的电钢琴抒情和弦.伴随Delirious'在专集"Glo"中的"Glo In The Dark-part 4"部分,各种各样的电子乐贯穿了整首曲子.总的来说,这首的音乐介于Moby,电台司令和化学兄弟之间.舞曲元素也保持到了下首曲 "计划B"中.King 的鼓点再一次成为主导,但和上一首相比,这首包含了更多的结构因素.Meany的声音听起来就象介于Sting,Bono和Donald Fagen 之间,乐曲的中间部分听起来就象Steely Dan 和U2'的"Pop"/"Achtung Baby"时代的融合.紧接着的一首 "前行" 也带着点 Steely Dan/警察乐队的影响,并有点先锋实验的感觉.最后一首 "后来" 值得说的就是其中一分钟吉他和键盘的和弦.除去这首,CD全长30分钟.MuteMath的"Reset"中还有很多值得去玩味.这支乐队的确不愿只坚持一种音乐风格.乐队的电子特质和和他们的旋律创造了一种新鲜的视听经验.在原创的同时,他们吸取了很多前辈艺术家的影响(主要是上述警察乐队,Steely Dan 和 U2) ,他们的歌词只是讲述敬畏- 充满希望、灵性和安慰.如果你想寻找点原创和新鲜的东西,点击"在MuteMath项下点击"Reset" - 一支充满前景的乐队的精彩首演