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Money 1.Do you alway have pocket money?what do you do with i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/22 18:18:14
Money 1.Do you alway have pocket money?what do you do with it 2.How do you spend your lucky money?3.Have you ever done any part-time job to earn money?4.Do you think it's easy to make money?And why?5.If you had a large sum of money ,like 1 million Yuan .What would you do with it?
Money 1.Do you alway have pocket money?what do you do with i
1.你有没有零用钱?你用它来做什么?答:Yes ,I always have pocket money.I spend it to buy my meal and I save the rest.(是,我有零用钱.我用它来买餐点,剩余的我则存起来.) 2.你怎样用你的幸运钱?(字面翻译,带出意思是:你怎样使用你幸运得来的钱?【比如说抽奖中的,彩卷之类的、】) 答:I do not spend my lucky money in anyway ,I save it for my future.(我没有通过任何方式花掉我幸运得来的钱,为了我的将来我把它存了起来.) 3.你有没有做过任何兼职来赚钱?答:Yes ,I had a part-time job before because I want to earn money.(有,为了赚钱我曾经有过一份兼职.) 4.你觉得赚钱容易吗?为什么?答:No ,I don't think it's easy to make money .Because I need to work so hard and it's tired to do work.(不,我不认为赚钱很容易,因为我必须很努力地工作,而且工作很累很辛苦.) 5.如果你有一大笔钱,比如说你有100万元,你会用它做什么?答:If I have a large sum of money ,I think I will donate a part of it to someone who is needed .And I will also give a part of it to my parents ,the rest I will save it in bank.(如果我有一大笔钱,我会将它的一部分捐给有需要的人.我也会把一部分交给我父母,其余的我则会存在银行.) 自己的答案、