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英语翻译Adam Corner,a research associate at Cardiff University a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 13:40:29
Adam Corner,a research associate at Cardiff University and expert on the psychology of communicating climate change,said social status is a key driver of behaviour:"It's not surprising that people might choose to try and signal their social status through the conspicuous consumption of 'green products'.Even if people don't care about climate change,they care about what other people think of them." He added that one of the most important aspects of the research is that the power of social status could be harnessed to become a critical tool in promoting wider changes in pro-environmental behaviour,such as voting for the greenest party in an election or engaging in environmental activism.
The study does come with one important caveat – no one was actually dipping into their wallet.Michael Valvo,a spokesperson for Toyota UK,said that the company's market research indicated the attraction of advanced technology and the cost of the ownership,not the environment or social status,were the main reasons drivers bought the Prius hybrid car."Forking out £20,000 for a car is a pretty expensive way to make a statement about being green,it's the second biggest purchase after a house," he said.
The research also failed to reflect the complexity of ethical consumer activity,said Rob Harrison,the editor of Ethical Consumer magazine."Ethical buying behaviour is far more complicated than this.If you look at the Co-Operative Bank's report on ethical spending,a third of that annual spend is on investment and banking,which you can't do conspicuously unless you leave investment brochures lying around on your coffee table.Our readers say they buy green and ethical products because they want to be instrumental about a goal,such as helping a farm in Kenya by buying fair trade Kenyan coffee." He said only a minority of green shoppers buy green products for status reasons.
英语翻译Adam Corner,a research associate at Cardiff University a
Adam Corner 是卡迪夫大学的研究助理,同时也是传播气候变化心理学方面的专家.他指出社会地位是行为活动的关键驱动力.“人们也许会花大价钱购买绿色产品,来炫耀他们的社会地位,这不足为奇.有的人根本不关心气候变化,他们关心的是别人对他们的看法.”他补充道这一研究的一个重要方面就是揭示了社会地位起了关键作用,促使人们在行为方面表现得更加提倡环保,比如在大选中他们会投票给最重视环保的政党,或者,他们会热衷于环保行动主义.
这一研究给我们提了个醒:没有人会真正精打细算.丰田英国总部的发言人Michael Valvo说公司的市场研究表明:促使人们购买Prius氢动力车的主要原因是其运用的前沿科技和合理的价格,而不是它的环保理念或是它所体现的社会地位.他说:“花两万英镑买一辆车来证明自己的环保理念,真是个高昂的代价.这是仅次于房子的大件消费品了.”
道德消费杂志的编辑Rob Harrison说:“这项研究也没有反映出消费活动的复杂性.道德消费行为比这要复杂得多.你看看合作银行关于道德消费的报告就会发现,年消费的三分之一用于投资和银行业务.除非你将银行的投资手册束之高阁,否则你是不可能故意做到这一点的.我们的读者说他们购买绿色的合乎道德的产品是因为他们想为某个目标尽一份力,比如说,帮助肯尼亚的农场把他们的咖啡卖个公道的价钱.”他说环保消费者中只有一小部分是为了地位的原因而购买绿色产品.