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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/28 22:22:56
The moment of departure is so close, before we separate, will you spare me a hug?离别的时刻近在眼前,分别前,能给我一个拥抱么?
Secret, will always vanish, who’s secret wont? So I’m willing to put it deep inside my heart, and let it grow. 是秘密,总会飞走,又有谁的秘密不会飞呢?所以,我愿意把秘密埋在心底,让它生根发芽.
Nothing else other than sitting quietly beside you, feeling the familiar scent, only want to space out under the dark sky, thinking back of those moments, when happiness slipped away, only want to… …没有别的要求只想静静坐在你身边,感受着熟悉的气息,只想呆呆看着夜空,回想着溜走的快乐,只想……
In the amusement park of a few people, under the quiet sky, on the twentieth Ferris wheel, beside you, my love, feeling the romance you’re giving me. 在少人的游乐园里,在静谧的夜空下,在二十号摩天轮里,在最爱的你身边,感受着你给的浪漫.
Moments of happiness, short, moment of departure, close, after separating, will you miss me? 快乐的时光,短暂,离别的时刻,临近,分别以后,会有想念么?
What’s the point of finding so call “heaven”, because for you, I don’t want to ranger, rather be normal, even with out anything, with you on my heart, it is already “heaven”.何必寻找所谓的天堂,原来我因为你,不想再去流浪,情愿平凡,不拥有一切也无妨,有了你在心上,已经是天堂.
I still remember our promise, a promise of eternal happiness. The song I wrote for you, cried secretly. I still remember our promise, I love you more than before, I laughed with the wind, I think it’ll tell you, I love you more now. 我还记得我们的约定,一辈子幸福的约定,为你写的那首歌,它也偷偷的掉泪了,我还记得我们的约定,我比以前还更爱你了,迎着风我也笑了,我想它会告诉你,我更爱你了.
Thought that after you left, you’ll tell me that my love for you at least brought you some happiness, so then I will accept your reason, standing behind the crowd, watching you go as I think back about the freedom you’ve talked about. 还以为在你离开之后你会亲口告诉我,我的爱至少给过你一些快乐,然后我接受你的理由,呆在人群的背后,护送着你回想你说的自由.
Love is a language that cannot be seen, it cannot be touched. Love is the moment of happiness when you raise you head, love is the speechless appreciation, love is giving a little bit every single day, love is our tiny wish, wish you’re always going to be happy. 爱是看不见的语言,爱是摸不到的感觉,爱是仰着头的喜悦,爱是说不出的感谢,爱是每天多付出一点点,爱是我们小小的心愿,希望你快乐永远.
Send letters with no address, this kind of feeling has its distance, when you play a song, the feeling you had, can you tell me? Rain is dripping quietly, is it you the one who’s crying secretly? Happiness is uneasy, behind you, as your background, there’s me, loving you. 寄没有地址的信,这样的情绪有种距离,你放着谁的歌曲,是怎样的心情,能不能说给我听?雨下得好安静,是不是你偷偷在哭泣?幸福它真的不容易
Scared of the sudden drop of silence of air, scared of the sudden care of a friend, scared of the sudden remembrance of memories, the hurtful feeling, scared of hearing you, scared of when I already decided to live alone, and suddenly, how you’re doing. 最怕空气突然安静,最怕朋友突然的关心,最怕回忆突然翻滚,绞痛着不平息,最怕突然听到你的消息,最怕此生已经决心自己过,没有你却又突然,听到你的消息.
All typed up by myself, hehehe. 没用网上翻译,不削~