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英语翻译The Sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 02:26:13
The Sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather.
英语翻译The Sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather
答案:meet with 客观上的遭遇则通常用 meet with,有时也用 meet
1. 表示约见某人、迎接某人、认识某人等,通常要用 meet.如:
Where shall we meet (each other)? 我们在什么地方见面?
We went to the station to meet her. 我们去车站接她.
Glad to meet you. 认识你很高兴.
2. 表示偶然遇到某人,可用 meet 或 meet with;表示偶然遇到某物,通常用 meet with.如:
I met (with) an old friend in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上遇到一位老朋友.
I sometimes met with such fish in the market. 我有时在市场上见到那样的鱼.
注:若表示在阅读时偶然遇到某词或短语等,则可以用 meet 或meet with.如:
I’ve met (with) this word many times in my reading. 我在阅读中多次见过这个词.
3. 对于困难、不幸、失败、拒绝、反对、暴力等不利的东西,若是指主观上的应付通常用 meet,若是指客观上的遭遇则通常用 meet with,有时也用 meet.如:
Heroes can meet danger bravely. 英雄能够临危不惧.
We’ll try our best to meet the difficulty. 我们将尽力对付困难.
He met (with) an accident on his way home. 他在回家的路上出了意外(车祸).
I met (with) a lot of difficulties in the work. 我在工作中遇到很多困难.
4. 表示满足需要、符合要求、达到希望等,通常用 meet; 表示受到欢迎、得到支持、获得批准等,通常有 meet with.如:
Does this meet your needs? 这能满足你的需要吗?
We’ll try to meet the demands of the people. 我们要尽力满足人民的要求.
They met with a warm welcome. 他们受到热烈欢迎.The plan met with approval. 该计划获得批准.