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关于out of的词组

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 16:51:14
关于out of的词组
take out of,keep out of,look out of
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关于out of的词组
ace out of[俚语]胜过;智胜;击败:
be made out of以…制作,由…制成
be out of离开;没有;不协调;不再处于;从…中除去
bounce out of突然闯出,冲出;跳出:;因(某人)犯有过错而开除,驱逐:
build out of用…建造:
dice out of使掷骰子输掉:
dodge out of躲出:
eat the wind out of[口语]【航海学】占(其他船的)上风
edge out of慢慢挤出来,从…逐渐退出:;逐渐(将…)从…排挤掉:force out of把…从…中压出来(等于force from)
get a charge out of因…而感到兴奋
get sb out of: 使…出来
get sb. out of one's head: 不去想, 设法把...忘记
Get a kick out of sb: 是近年在美国相当流行的口语.表示与某人相处非常愉快,或处于热恋中.
keep sb out of不让……入内
lead out of直通
slide out of从…处溜出
take a bend out of使不再弯曲;使恢复平直;[俚语]使(动物)因疲劳而镇静
take the change out of对(某人)进行报复
weave in and out(of)
迂回前进,曲折前行:例句: Cyclists weave in and out of the traffic.