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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/10 17:03:23
This is the openingsection; this the first chapter.Subsequent to the visions of a dream which hehad,on some previous occasion,experienced,the writer personally relates,hedesignedly concealed the true circumstances,and borrowed the attributes ofperception and spirituality to relate this story of the Record of the Stone.With this purpose,he made use of such designations as Chen Shih-yin (truthunder the garb of fiction) and the like.What are,however,the eventsrecordedin this work?Who are the dramatis personae?
Wearied with the drudgery experienced of late in the world,the author speaking for himself,goes on to explain,with the lack of success which attended every single concern,I suddenly bethought myself of the womankind of past ages.Passing one by one under a minute scrutiny,I felt that in action and in lore,one and all were far above me; that in spite of the majesty of my manliness,I could not,in point of fact,compare with these characters of the gentle sex.And my shame forsooth then knew no bounds; while regret,on the other hand,was of no avail,as there was not even a remote possibility of a day of remedy.On this very day it was that I became desirous to compile,in a connected form,for publication throughout the world,with a view to (universal) information,how that I bear inexorable and manifold retribution; inasmuch as what time,by the sustenance of the benevolence of Heaven,and the virtue of my ancestors,my apparel was rich and fine,and as what days my fare was savory and sumptuous,I disregarded the bounty of education and nurture of father and mother,and paid no heed to the virtue of precept and injunction of teachers and friends,with the result that I incurred the punishment,of failure recently in the least trifle,and the reckless waste of half my lifetime.There have been meanwhile,generation after generation,those in the inner chambers,the whole mass of whom could not,on any account,be,through my influence,allowed to fall into extinction,in order that I,unfilial as I have been,may have the means to screen my own shortcomings.Hence it is that the thatched shed,with bamboo mat windows,the bed of tow and the stove of brick,which are at present my share,are not sufficient to deter me from carrying out the fixed purpose of my mind.And could I,furthermore,confront the morning breeze,the evening moon,the willows by the steps and the flowers in the courtyard,methinks these would moisten to a greater degree my mortal pen with ink; but though I lack culture and erudition,what harm is there,however,in employing fiction and unrecondite language to give utterance to the merits of these characters?And were I also able to induce the inmates of the inner chamber to understand and diffuse them,could I besides break the weariness of even so much as a single moment,or could I open the eyes of my contemporaries,will it not forsooth prove a boon?This consideration has led to the usage of such names as Chia Yü-ts'un and other similar appellations.
英语翻译此开卷第一回也.作者自云:因曾历过一番梦幻之后,故将真事隐去,而借"通灵"之说,撰此一书也.故曰"甄士隐"云云. 英语翻译禹出,见罪人,下车问而泣之.左右曰:“夫罪人不顺道,故使然焉,君王何为痛之至于此也?”禹曰:“尧舜之民,皆以尧、 英语翻译此独以跛之故 英语翻译墨子兼爱 从圣人以治天下为事者也,必知乱之所自起到故子 墨子曰:“不可以不劝爱人者,此也”这一大段如何译成现代语 英语翻译征南任侠.尝为人报雠.然激於不平而後为之.有与征南久故者.致金以雠其弟.征南毅然绝之.曰.此以禽兽待我也.  征 英语翻译有过与江上者,见人方引婴儿而欲投之江中,婴儿啼.人问其故.曰:“此其父善游.”其父虽善游,其子邃善游哉?以此任物 英语翻译荀攸字公达,彧从子也.祖父昙,广陵太守.攸少孤.及昙卒,故吏张权求守昙墓.攸年十三,疑之,谓叔父衢曰:“此吏有非 英语翻译其一:有过于江上者,见人方引婴儿而欲投之江中,婴儿啼.人问其故,曰:“此其父善游!”其父虽善游,其子岂遽善游哉? 英语翻译令言遂歔欷流涕,谓其子曰:“汝慎无从行,帝必不返.”子问其故,令言曰:“此曲宫声往而不反,宫者君也,吾所以知之. 英语翻译此所谓‘强驽之末,势不能穿鲁缟’者也.故故兵法忌之,曰‘必蹶上将军’今将军诚能命猛将统兵数万,与豫州协规同力,破 英语翻译修辞典谟、爻象,此二帝三王之言也.《论语》、《孝经》,此夫子之言也.文章在是,性与天道亦不外乎是.故曰:有德者必 李白少时,读书未成,弃去.路适一老妪磨杵.问其故.妪曰:“欲磨为针.”白曰:“此非易事也.”妪曰:“久磨之,不患不成.”