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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 14:38:14
1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CABAB
11-15 ACABA 16-20 CCABC
21-25 DDBCD 26-30 CBCBC
31-35 DDBCD 36-40 EGBFD
41-45 BCBAD 46-50 CCBAC
51-55 DCDBA 56-60 BBCDD
61. when / if 62. better
63. rarely 64. suggestions
65. what 66. a
67. how much 68. will make
69. it 70. at
71. ... and think again!
去掉and或and → then
72. ... to making work ...
making → make或to → of
73. ... faster and easy ... easy → easier
74. ... how many their ... many → much
75. ... it won't be healthy. it → they
76. ... that will warn ... that → which
77. ... is eating enough.
eating前加not或is → isn't
78. Unluckily, a Dutch ...
Unluckily → Luckily
79. ... do all the work. do → does
80. ... does the milk. milk → milking
One possible version:
It goes without saying that our parents play a very important part in our lives. Now let me tell you a very touching story about my parents and me.
It happened six years ago when I was still a primary school student. One afternoon, after school I went to my best friend He Wei's home without telling my parents. They were so anxious that they looked for me everywhere. Not having got any news about me, they even prepared to call the police for help. It was not until 9 o'clock that I got back home. The moment they saw me, they just hugged me tightly, too excited to say anything.
It was at that moment that I realized how much my parents loved me and what a serious mistake I had made. I also got a deeper understanding of the feelings between parents and their children, and I loved my parents more than ever before.
21. D.细节理解题.由文章第一句Blown out of their nest on a windy night, two baby owls stay at the base of a redwood tree可知,两只小猫头鹰从巢中掉到了地上.
22. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的The babies make a noise to scare us away可推断,两只小猫头鹰看到专家后设法保护自己.
23. B.细节理解题.由第五段中的Cistone gives the chicks liquid soup可知.
24. C.推理判断题.由第四段中的Zierenberg spots the mother owl watching from a branch above. “The sooner we get the babies back to her, the better,” he says及最后一段中的She has accepted the chicks back可推断,专家们之所以很快将小猫头鹰带回葡萄园是为了让它们和母亲团聚.
本文是记叙文.文章讲述了Kate Shelley英勇救人的故事.
25. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的a storm struck及a steam train fell 184 feet as the Honey Creek Bridge collapsed可知,Honey Creek Bridge是一个铁路桥,它在暴风雨中倒塌了.
26. C.推理判断题.由第一段末的Shelley recognized the danger posed to the crew and passengers of the next train及第二段中的she was able to warn officials in time可推断,Shelley去火车站是为了避免另一起火车事故.
27. B.段落大意题.最后三段介绍了Shelley在生前和死后所得到的物质和精神两方面的奖励.
28. C.推理判断题.由第二段开头的Without concern for her personal safety及Shelley冒着暴风雨救人的故事可推断,她是一个无私的人.
29. B.词义猜测题.由第一段末的the cafeterias were losing money及第三段中的students who began avoiding the lunch line and bringing food from home or, in some cases, going hungry可推断,很多学生“拒绝(refused)”健康午餐.
30. C.细节理解题.由第一段末的the cafeterias were losing money及第三段中的the reimbursement was not enough to balance losses可知,一些学校餐厅面临财务困境.
31. D.推理判断题.由第四段中的still optimistic about the program's long-term prospects及倒数第三段中的the numbers that have threatened to drop out and the ones that actually have dropped out are quite different可推断,Thornton认为某些有意退出健康午餐项目的地区可能会最终坚持下去.
32. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的still weren't thrilled by the calorie limits及It was kind of ironic that ... kids are getting junk food to fill that hunger可推断,Callahan Grund反对健康午餐项目.
33. B.细节理解题.由Surfing部分的it was the sport of kings及the top beaches were not open to commoners可知,二十世纪初期,冲浪很受贵族的欢迎.
34. C.推理判断题.由Extreme privacy部分的be glad you're not living in the 17th or 18th century及下文所讲的游泳者用更衣车换衣服的繁琐过程可推断,作者认为当时游泳很麻烦.
35. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的sand from a planned tourist beach simply disappeared. Somehow, the thieves were able to quietly steal and sell all that sand可知.
36. E.E项与原文空后的Make sure boots ... all work well together及avoid blisters and general discomfort相呼应.
37. G.G项与原文空前的You can pick up the basic and important stuff及空后的Many companies now make travel-sized varieties of their products相呼应.
38. B.第四段主要讲如何合理地打包行李.故B项最恰当.
39. F.F项与原文空前的Always have a plan及空后的prepare for all possible situations相呼应.
40. D.D项与原文空前的drink plenty of water相呼应.
41. B.由文章首句I can't complain because I'm alive and walking可推测,能够活着并走路已经超出作者的期望了.
42. C.由第三段首句中的I couldn't walk可知,作者“行走(walking)”困难.
43. B.作者小时候不理解“为什么(why)”地心引力似乎不断地把她拉到地上.
44. A.由第三段中的The unfortunate part came from ... 及第四段中的The fortunate part came later可知,治疗给作者既带来了不幸,也带来了幸运.
45. D.由下文的put me in ... dance可推断,作者不能行走意味着她需要接受“物理(physical)”治疗.
46. C.由下文的in other words, dance可知,作者的父母决定让她进行全身“运动(sport)”.
47. C.由上文的The unfortunate part可知,作者认为父母让她跳舞的决定“很糟(terrible)”.
48. B.一个不怎么会走路的人穿上舞鞋以后走起路来就更不“容易(easily)”了.
49. A.由下文可知,作者放弃了跳舞开始练体操.
50. C.由下文的I worked harder than the other kids可推测,作者“下定决心(determined)”要和其他孩子们一起在操场上跑.
51. D.虽然作者比其他孩子更努力,但是结果“仍然(still)”不如他们.
52. C.53. D.要想翻腾就得会“跑步(run)”,要想跑步就得会行走.这是事物的明显“过程(process)”.
54. B.由下文的I learned to walk. Then to run. Then to tumble可知,作者成功地“完成了(got through)”体操动作.
55. A.由上文的some advantages可推断,由于作者经常跌倒所以她比其他人更“坚强(tougher)”.
56. B.作者毫不“抱怨(complaining)”地完成了严格的训练.
57. B.由下文的It was the most intense contest可知,去年作者甚至赢得了去外地“比赛(compete)”的权利.
58. C.由下文的my heart was growing tired of gymnastics可推测,那次可能是作者的“最后一次(last)”比赛.
59. D.由I was walking可知,作者的目标“实现(met)”了.
60. D.作者很感激也很惊讶体操运动带给自己的进步,但是她已经“准备好(ready)”离开了.
61. when / if.考查连词.由上下文可知,朱蒂认为在百货商店及超市购物时无须讨价还价,故填when / if.
62. better.考查比较等级.朱蒂认为在百货商店和超市以外的其它地方可以通过讨价还价得到更好的价格,故填better.
63. rarely.考查副词.设空处修饰谓语动词do,故填rarely.
64. suggestions.考查名词.由give和some可知在此填suggestions.
65. what.考查连词.设空处引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语,且由a fair price is可知在此填what.
66. a.考查冠词.market为可数名词,且在此表泛指,故填a.
67. how much.考查疑问词.根据下一句中的the price is much higher及a lower price可知,此处是问某物的价格,故填how much.
68. will make.考查时态.此处是对未来情况的描述,故用一般将来时.
69. it.考查代词.设空处指代前面提到的last price,故填it.
70. at.考查介词.此处是get good at的比较级形式,it指代上文提到的bargain.


I. 1-5 BACDA 6-10 DDCBB
11-15 ACBDB 16-20 BACAD
1. B.由文章开头的I joined class five可知,作者是班里的新同学.
2. A.由下文可知,Miss Rafique让同学们用英语写一封信,据此可知她除了当班主任,还“教(taught)”英语.
3. C.由下文的about my visit to Delhi可推断,作业是关于近期“旅行(trip)”的.
4. D.5. A.由第三段末的Delhi doesn't have a beach可知,作者并“没有(never)”去过德里,因而不了解这个城市.据此可推断她写作过程中发挥了“想象力(imagination)”.
6. D.由第三段末的Delhi doesn't have a beach可知,作者写的德里的旅游景点中包括一个“海滩(beach)”.
7. D.由下文可知老师当着全班同学宣布了英语作业的情况.
8. C.老师认为作者写的信最好.
9. B.由下文的as she read out my letter to the class可推断,当老师给全班同学读作者写的信时,作者“害羞地(shyly)”站在老师的桌子旁.
10. B.老师在递给作者笔记本之前给同学们读了作者的信.
11. A.由下文的see many red marks可知,作者回到自己的座位后“打开了(opened)”笔记本.
12. C.由下文的all spelling and grammatical corrections可推断,受到表扬的作者看到作业上老师所做的很多处更正后很“惊讶(surprised)”.
13. B.作者认为最好的信应该没有“错误(mistakes)”.
14. D.由上文的the best letter可知,老师认为作者写的信很“好(good)”.
15. B.作者看了一位“同学的(classmate's)”笔记本,发现她的信没有任何错误.
16. B.17. A.由上文的my classmates had memorized and reproduced sample letters 可推断,“尽管(Despite)”作者的信有不少错误,但是老师真正“欣赏(appreciated)”的是她的创意.
18. C.由下文的I could do well in ... too可推测,老师使作者意识到她的强项不只有数学和科学.
19. A.作者受到英语老师的表扬,因而她认为自己也可以把英语学好.
20. D.由上下文可知,老师的表扬对作者来说是很大的“鼓励(encouragement)”,这种鼓励使作者走上了写作的道路.
1. C.词义猜测题.由上文的This belief that winning equals winning over someone else is the greatest cancer of our time可知,作者认为“我赢”意味着“你输”的竞争心态可能是进步的最大“障碍(barrier)”.
2. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的some schools that use cooperative learning ... Such schools produce better results than those that group children by ability可知,作者认为教育工作者不应该依据能力高低来将学生分组.
3. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的Microsoft's practice of encouraging employees to compete against each other及By removing a culture of fierce competition, Google ... 可知,微软公司内部竞争激烈,员工面临的压力更大.
4. A.推理判断题.解题依据是第四段中的It is necessary ... of the group.经济学家亚当·斯密提倡的模式——我们为自己着想就可以为社会做出最大的贡献——有必要被以下观念取代:我们在任何情况下做出的最佳反应应该是,不仅为自己,也为集体中的他人着想.据此可推断,作者反对亚当·斯密的模式.
5. A.标题归纳题.通读全文可知,作者强调合作的益处,反对“我赢你输”的过度竞争.故A项最适合作本文的标题.