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____you don’t like him is none of my business.要写为什么急

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:53:32
____you don’t like him is none of my business.要写为什么急
17.____all the inventions have in common is ____they have succeeded.
A.What; what B.That; that C.what; that D.That ; what
18.____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food very much.A.What B.It C.All that D.That
19.It is widely ______that smoking can cause cancer.A.believed B.think C.say D.hoped
20.____caused the accident is still a complete mystery.A.What B.That C.How D.Where
21.____he always serves the people very well is known.A.What B.That C.Which D.Who
22.____has passed the test will get a prize .A.Whoever B.No mater who C.Whomever D.Who
23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week?A that B it C his D he
24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for New York.A.when B why C that D what
25.Obviously___ we do morning exercises every day ___ us good.
A.that do B.if; do C what; does D.that; dose
26 It is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.
A that; that; that B what; what; what C that; which; what D that; that; which
27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.A.Who B Whom C.Those who D.Whoever
28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years.
A.That; that B.What; that C What; what D.That; what
29.___ you did it is not known to all.A.Who B.What C.How D.Which
30.___ you do should be well done.A How B.That C.Whatever D Why
31.The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointed if I don’t.
A.b ecause B.that C.thanks to D.what
____you don’t like him is none of my business.要写为什么急
17.C句意:所有发明的共同之处在于它们都成功了.解释:题目中is前面所有的部分明显是主语从句,用正常语句理解all the inventions have in common 这句,显然have 后少了宾语,have sth in common,what 代替sth做 have的宾语,所以排除B和D;题目中is后的they have succeeded是个完整的句子做整个句子的表语,用that引导.所以选C
18. B 句意:我觉得他很享受那食物.解释:It做形式主语引导主语从句,真正的主语是he enjoyed the food very much这句话,使用it做形式主语引导的主语从句主要是为了避免主语过长而显得头重脚轻,或表示强调.
20.A句意:事故是由什么引起的任然是个谜.解释:题目中is前面的部分为全句的主语,而__caused the accident这个主语从句中caused为谓语前面缺少主语,完整的应该为sth caused the accident,所以用what引导这个主语从句.
21.B句意:众所周知他尽心为人民服务.解释:____he always serves the people very well为主语从句,但从句句子成分完整,所以用that引导,that不在从句做担任成分,只作引导词.
22.A句意:无论谁通过了考试都可以得到一份奖励.解释:Whoever在从句中担任主语表强调“无论谁”“无论哪一个”,No matter who不能做主语,排除B,whomever从句中只能担任宾语成分,排除C,who可以做主语,但没有强调作用.
23.A句意:下周著名科学家将给我们上一堂课,这是真的吗?解释:还是it为形式主语引导的主语从句,题目为问句,把它变成陈述句就好理解了,陈述句结构为____is true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week.那么就很容易看出这是个it做形式主语引导的主语从句了.通常题目如果为疑问句,可先把它还原成陈述句,再分析其句子成分就会简单一些.
24.A句意:他们还没决定将何时动身前往纽约.解释:显然题目空格处缺少一个主语从句的引导词,全句的真正主语是they will leave for New York,句子不缺少主语或宾语所以排除D what,B why 与句意不符,排除.选C的话,句子很奇怪:还没决定,他们要动身前往纽约.(已经表示要去纽约了,那什么没决定呢?如果是表达还没决定去不去纽约的话,应该填whether而不是that.)把A. when放入句中,则句子很通顺,还没决定的是去纽约的时间.
25. D句意:很明显每天晨练有益我们的身体健康.解释:obviously是个副词修饰整个句子,先除去它不看,___ we do morning exercises every day 为主语从句,we do morning exercises every day这句结构完整,所以用that引导,___ us good这里的空格是整个句子的谓语动词,因为主语是一个主语从句,一般情况下,主语从句视作第三人称单数,所以填dose.
26.A句意:据说那就是他所说的话.解释:第一空应该填that没有问题,it is said that~剩下的部分为题目的真正主语____ was all ___ he said,先看all后面的空,he said显然少了说话的内容,he said sth,所以可以用what代替sth,但是空格前面有个all,我们知道all that=what,所以all 后面的空填that,现在根据这两空就可以选出A.
27. D句意:不管谁先回到家,谁就煮晚饭.解释同22题
28. B句意:最感动我们的是他照顾了这个老人20多年.题目中的liked是打印错误,应该是looked,look after照顾.解释:题目中was之前的部分为句子主语,moved为位于动词,前面少了个sth做主语,用what 引导这个从句,what在从句中充当主语,排除A和D,was后面的填是一个表语从句的引导词,he looked after the old man for more than twenty years是个完整的句子,不确认和成分,用that引导.
29. C句意:无人知晓你怎么做到的.解释:is前面为句子主语:___ you did it,you did it句子主谓宾完整,不缺成分,who,what,which都要在从句中要充当成分,所以都不正确.
30. C句意:无论你做什么都要好好做.解释:should be为证据得谓语动词,___ you do为主语,do后面缺少宾语sth,空格处要填的词是能充当do后面的宾语的一个引导词,所以选C
31. B 句意:我打算去那儿的原因是如果我不去她会失望的.解释:对比较长的句子进行分析时,应该先化繁为简,把句中的修饰成分忽略掉,剩下最简单主语谓语宾语等句子成分就行,状语也可以适当忽略掉.这个句子的最简单的结构就是the reason is ___ sth(这里sth为一句话).这样简化下来,明显就是填that,the reason is that +从句,算是固定搭配的用法吧.