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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/11 11:37:48
(被误会是兰迪霍克先生)Can you give me a break?(你们能不能饶了我?)
(被柯南从记者中救了出来后)Thank you very much!(非常感谢)
How perceptive of you!(你太厉害了!或者说你的洞察力真强)
(看到侦探团的徽章)Oh!Sherlock Holmes!(哦!夏洛克 福尔摩斯!)
The Windy City where Capone stormed.(一个阿尔 卡彭住过的地方.字面的意思是风城的那个卡彭的地方 注:风城指芝加哥,而卡彭是芝加哥黑帮的教父,这是资料:http://baike.baidu.com/view/469657.html)
(James的心理)No,you are not the featured cast to thrill me most
原句:How smart of you irregulars.Well,I might appreciata Holmes.You are hopeless...When a commander shows a sign...every fellows will brake their cars at a time...and it will these offenders into stopping this car...Though my neighbours will be crushed against the bucket seats for a sharp stop...my body will be bent down and thrown between the seats...and I'will get a brief release from them...When the offenders are about to pick themselves up...they'll get a holdup!It was little rough way,but took me to the right place...
Cool guy...