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英语初二完形填空Hi,my name is Lily.When I was traveling in America,I

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/29 01:55:19
Hi,my name is Lily.When I was traveling in America,I had a __36__throat.I when to see a __37__.The doctor said I had the__38__.Do you know how the flu spreads?
When a sick person__39__,or even laughs,he or she brings out some little drops with viruses__40__his or her mouth and nose.If you breathe in some of those small drops,you may__41__the flu.You can also catch the flu__42__those drops fall on your hands and then you touch your mouth or nose.
what if you get the flu?First,you should__43__.If he says that you have the flu,have a rest and__44__ lots of water at the same time.lower.If you still feel__46__,tell your mom or dad.It is a sign that you may need to see a doctor__47__.
Usually you'll feel__48__in three to five days.Before that,you'll have to stay at__49__and take it easy.
I __50__ you do not get the flu this year
( )36.A.soreB.deepC.thinD.nice
( )37.A.teacherB.dentistC.workerD.doctor
( )38.A.headacheB.fluC.stomachacheD.fever
( )39.A.coughsB.movesC.hurtsD.cooks
( )40.A.forB.toC.fromD.as
( )41.A.keepB.leaveC.catch D.make
( )42.A.soB.butC.thoughD.if
( )43.A.get some sleepB.go to a doctorC.take your temperatureD.get an X-ray
( )44.A.boilB.cleanC.drinkD.run
( )45.A.TakeB.GiveC.BringD.Sell
( )46.A.comfortableB.sadC.terribleD.good
( )47.A.againB.onceC.yetD.too
( )48.A.worseB.betterC.higherD.smaller
( )49.A.schoolB.homeC.officeD.bank
( )50.A.decideB.wonderC.planD.hope
英语初二完形填空Hi,my name is Lily.When I was traveling in America,I
a d d a c c d b c c a b b d