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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 01:21:02
A unified health insurance system,it still takes time Yesterday,the State Council Information Office of the medical conference to be held.Five "ministers" at the same time to attend a conference,which is rare in the Information Office.Five "ministers" are the Ministry of Health,Vice-Minister Zhang Mao,deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission Peng shen,the Ministry of Health Ma Xiaowei,Vice-Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Vice-Minister of huxiaoyi,Wang Jun,vice minister of the Ministry of Finance.The next three years,health insurance coverage is an important task in medical reform.Now,there are 200 million people nationwide are not covered by basic medical insurance system,huxiaoyi said it would make all the Chinese people have access to basic health care.The medical reform program did not achieve a unified health insurance system,but the continuation of the implementation of a new type of rural cooperative medical care in rural areas,urban workers the purposes of health insurance,health insurance system residents.The competent authorities,the new agricultural co-led by the Ministry of Health,the city health department led by the people.For "Why can not the medical reform,unification of urban and rural health insurance," said Zhang Mao,"It's still a process." Medicare reimbursement for medical treatment in different places in the Association governing Yesterday,the Information Office released to the media participants,"asked 100 medical reform," hot issues answered.Insurance for medical treatment for personnel in different places "run" and "dianzi" problem,"asked 100 medical reform," said co-ordination by improving the level of the first to achieve level co-ordination,to reduce the same in different cities of the policy differences between districts and counties,the elimination of regional Mobile medical care management and policy barriers.At the same time,it is necessary to explore the establishment of the risk of transfer payments,settlement of funds in different places to pay for medical treatment resulting from risk.To explore the establishment of insurance and medical treatment of the coordination mechanism between "step by step in different places will be insured for medical expenses for medical treatment audit,payment and health care managers and other regulatory affairs for medical treatment to assist in the management of commissioning." In addition,uniform national standards will be established,covering both urban and rural residents basic health care databases,the establishment of co-ordinating inter-regional clearing system of remote medical treatment.A (Reporter-Yun Yang) a new round of medical reform 850000000000 huge financial expenditures,2 / 3 will be the demand side into the medical services.Yesterday,the Ministry of Finance Wang Jun,vice minister of the State Council Information Office held a briefing for the media to explain the treatment input "formula." Wang said that 850 billion is the next three years the total investment at all levels of government,but also for the incremental investment,first of all to support the five key reform.To establish a basic medical insurance system and establish a basic drug system,a sound basic medical and health service system,improve the equalization of basic public health service system,with three years of public hospitals to explore the basic path of reform." "850 billion is the estimated number of inputs," said Wang Jun,the annual actual investment at all levels of government through budgetary arrangements.He also disclosed that the next three years,a number of specific figures will be adjusted depending on the circumstances.Wang said that in the past three years,the medical input central and local finances less than 3:7.And the medical reform,the central government significantly increase investment,the ratio of 4:6.In the investment area,after all the "input focus on supply-side or demand-side" is somewhat controversial,the answer given yesterday Wang:850000000000,2 / 3 for the demand-side,1 / 3 for the supply-side.The supply-side inputs of money,Wang said that the focus is used to enhance health and primary health care professional public health service institutions and level of ability.For more media attention toward specific funds,such as investment in urban and rural health care,treatment and other health care workers to ensure that,after the end of the conference,Wang did not provide relevant data,only with a smile added,"I'm sorry" response.鈻 dispelling 1 A (Reporter guoshaofeng) yesterday,human resources and Social Security officials say college students into the urban medical insurance system,medical treatment will not be compromised.According to medical reform program,students will be fully incorporated into the urban medical insurance system.Some people worry that such changes are part of the original students of medical treatment at public expense,the new standards will reduce the treatment?Yesterday,in an interview with a guest network,People's Insurance Department,deputy director of medical insurance,said Lee,a university student health insurance into town,"can clearly say that the treatment will not be compromised.Li said that with the recent three-year medical reform goals,students can enter the cities and towns are basically health insurance.Lee further said that cities and towns into great health benefits of a co-ordination is seriously ill.Was only guaranteed in a school,and now,through the inclusion of health insurance after the base there will be greater,"can make better use of the law of large numbers have protection." In addition,the original scope of public health services is medical school,after the fixed-point into the health insurance sector wider.Yesterday,the Finance Division of the Ministry of Education,said that university students participated in individual cities and towns to pay health insurance standards and criteria for government subsidies,according to the local primary and secondary school students to participate in the basic medical insurance for urban residents in the implementation of the corresponding standards.Students pay the principle of personal insurance on himself and family from the burden of students,colleges and universities can be a conditional grant for its payment.As for specific methods of financial assistance,the Ministry of Education said that the college enrollment of funds required for government subsidies,in accordance with the affiliation with colleges and universities,by the same responsible for arranging finance.Owned the central budget to local college students the basic medical insurance for urban residents in accordance with the approach to grant subsidies.Day-to-day medical students the necessary funds to continue the relationship between colleges and universities under the financial assistance from the same level.鈻 dispelling 2 The latest medical advice and changed the focus of the implementation of the program in the near future,the Government did not propose in public hospitals "security wages,insurance benefits" in full security policy.In this regard,the Central University of Finance Wang Jun,deputy director of the Institute taxation there are three reasons for that.The first is financial resources in order to prevent waste.Wang said that China's public hospitals have a relatively stable source of income for the business,including medical insurance and personal funds to pay expenses,which includes income compensation for the human cost,which is of public hospitals and public schools such as the full budget the largest difference between the funding unit."If the government on the one hand,treated as the same as public school teachers,medical personnel in public hospitals to provide full protection of wages and benefits,on the one hand and in the medical security system put a lot of money,we see the issue of duplication of benefits,resulting in a waste of financial resources." Secondly,Wang believes that to achieve full protection from the state financial officers in public hospitals funds,our existing financial resources still can not afford.In addition,Wang believes that staff in public hospitals funded by the full financial burden will not help to improve the quality of medical services."In the planned economy era,the medical staff are 'state cadres',medical personnel,such as income and not related to work performance.Whether it is the individual doctor or hospital would not be motivated to provide high-quality services."