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我要写一篇英语的日志.跪求 .帮翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/11 06:12:53
我要写一篇英语的日志.跪求 .帮翻译
最近发生了一点事.我让你很难过 很伤心.老婆 我真的很想说.你相信我.我爱的只是你.看到你对我现在的态度.我怕了.是真的怕了 我怕你离开我.从来没有如此怕过.我记得.我已经和你说过一次分手了.我真的怕再一次把你弄丢.而我再也找不回你.你不喜欢我说对不起.而我却说了太多次的对不起.我知道.我伤你不是一次两次了.我骗你也不是一次两次了.呵呵.我是有多么的混蛋?140多公里.我们之间的距离让我很多事情都无能为力.你有没有人陪着..你是不是按时吃饭了.有没有人照顾你.累了.难过了.是不是自己一个人躲起来偷偷哭.老婆,我对你的爱会在那一天全部让你看到.让所有人看到.我说过.你是我最后一个女人.这次,我不会负你.老婆.我知道我做的不够好.甚至我不够格.才让你开始想要逃离我.老婆 你总是说我想多了.我能不想多吗?你不知道 我多么害怕失去你.刚才小雅她说,爱她就应该为她改变!宝宝,我愿意为你改变,只是告诉我,我该怎么做?你才不会难过?我曾经想过,如果我不认识你,是不是现在的你会快乐点?你说你一直都很幸运,可是,我觉得,遇到我,你不再是以前快乐的你..是不是只有失去了一个人时,才知道一个人的重要性?我庆幸,在我还没失去你的时候,已经知道你对我的重要,我只想让你安心,我不想让你哭,不想你担心. 你的眼泪那么轻易就可以将我打败!我只愿对你俯首称臣.,不管别人说的多么刺耳.不管多少人反对我们在一起 ,现在我拥有的是你的全部.重要的是,我们依然在一起.我还是那句话,我不怕死,却怕你的离开,每个人都希望在彼此心中做独一无二 就那么一个唯一 这是多么难的事情,机遇 感情 如果碰见我就不会松手,所以,你,我不会松手的、我怕一个人 被孤单笑着.孤注一掷一遍 一遍、我像个孩子依赖一线希望、年华与时光纵横交错、 哪知早已是尘埃落定、命中注定的相遇 、命中注定的别离 、可能我给你的不是你想要的 但是都是我认为最好的,wdm你是我小心维护的梦,我愿单手为你撑起的一片天空,
我要写一篇英语的日志.跪求 .帮翻译
Recently had a little thing.I make you very sad.My wife and I really want to say.Do you believe me.I love only you.See you on my attitude.I am afraid.Was really afraid,I'm afraid you leave me.Never so afraid.I remember.I already told you a break.I'm afraid again lost you.But I can't find you back.You don't love me say sorry.And I said sorry too many times.I know.I hurt you is a two time.I cheat you,nor is it a two time.Ha ha.How much I asshole?More than 140 kilometers.The distance between us makes me a lot of things are incapable of action.You have to accompany.Is it right?.you eat on time.There is no one to care for you.Tired.Sorry.Is it right?One hide secretly cry.My wife,my love for you will be in that day all let you see.For all to see.I told you.You are my last woman.This time,I won't take you.Wife.I know I'm not good enough.I don't even qualify.Just let you start to run away from my wife.You always say that I want to.I can not want to?You don't know how much I am afraid to lose you.Just Xiaoya said she loves,she should change for her!Baby,I am willing to change for you,just tell me,how can I do?You will not sad?I thought,if I don't know you,is it right?Now you can be happy?You said you have been very lucky,but,I think,when I,you are no longer happy you..Is it right?Only lost a person,to know the importance of the individual?I am glad,I haven't lost you,know what you mean to me,I just want to make you feel at ease,I don't want to let you cry,do not want you to worry.Your tears so easily can beat me!I'd tell you to kneel,whatever others say.How harsh.No matter how many people are against us together,now I have all of you.Importantly,we are still together.I was saying,I am not afraid of death,but if you leave,everyone wants to be the one and only in the mind of each other so a only this is how difficult,opportunity feeling if I wouldn't let go meet,so,you,I will not let go,I am afraid of a person is lonely smile.Throw the helve after the hatchet over and over again,I like a child on a glimmer of hope,love and time arranged in a crisscross pattern,which is already settled,decreed by fate decreed by fate met,parting,may I give you is not what you want but I think is the best,WDM you are my careful maintenance of dream,I would single hand for you hold up a piece of the sky,