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better in time歌词?

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better in time歌词?
歌手是:Leona Levis
better in time歌词?
  参加X Factor
  2006年的春季,Leona参加了英国著名选秀节目"The X Factor",她成为了最早被大家看好的选手.经过一路过关斩将,以几近完美的歌技表演和绝对的票数优势最终夺下总冠军!也为她赢得了100万的唱片合约!她的首支单曲"A Moment Like This"以相当不错的销售成绩取得了圣诞单曲排行榜的首位.
  Bleeding Love
  2007年10月,Leona第2支单曲Bleeding Love一发行就排到英国单曲榜的首位,并在首周销量超过20万张,也成为本年度销售最快的单曲.一系列的出色的成绩使得Leona受到了更多外界的关注.即将发行的专辑就请来Walter Afanasieff,Dallas Austin,Scott Storch,Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis和Damon Dash等大牌制作人来担当创作!这些著名的人士都被Leona有生具来的音乐天赋所惊叹,并十分乐意为新专辑尽自己一份力,这也让专辑在质量上有了很大的保证.
  特意翻的资料,之前就很关注Leona.觉得她的声音简直可以完美来形容,尤其是听了她所有现场演唱后,更加由赞美转到了由衷的佩服.一个才22岁的女子就有如此不可多得的才华,实在可以让每个和她同龄的女孩为之惊叹.谈下她的单曲"A Moment Like This",又一种演绎的方式,别样的风格,和Kelly Clarkson的版存在很大不同,尤其是在旋律上更加舒缓自然,将Leona的抒情嗓音展现淋漓尽致,轻柔间又透着张力,在低音与高音间游刃有余的滑动,让我们知道,这,就是冠军的实力!大家必须听的,超级推荐的作品!听到没?必须下!
  PS:Leona Lewis凭借06年底英伦选秀节目The X Factor的第三季崭露头角,首张单曲A Moment Like This与06年12月20日以网路下载的形式发行,立刻以30分钟被下载50,000次而大获全胜,从而打破世界纪录!Leona12岁开始写歌,15岁时和音乐制作人Marley J Wills录制了Minnie Riperton的Lovin' You(让我感觉到了Mariah的味道,Leona唱的叫棒~大家可以听听,海豚音堪称经典再现~!)因此被Sony邀请到美国.
  当音乐生涯停滞不前,心灰意冷的Leona Lewis想要放弃时,男友劝她参加歌唱选秀节目The X Factor.2006年,Lewis参加了The X Factor的第三季演唱Over The Rainbow,她一路过五关斩六将杀到了决赛,终于在06年12月16日夺得冠军!同时签下了一百万英镑的录音合同.
  Better In Time
  It's been the longest winter without you
  I didnt know where to turn to
  See somehow I cant forget you
  After all that we've been through
  go in,come in
  thought i heard a knock
  who's there?no one
  thinking that i deserved it
  now i realize that i really didnt know
  you didnt notice,you mean everything
  quickly im learning,to love again
  all i know is,imma be ok
  thought i couldnt live without you
  its gonna hurt when it heals to
  it'll all get better in time
  eventhough i really love you
  im gonna smile cause i deserve to
  it'll all get better in time
  how could i turn on the tv
  without something there to remind me
  was it all that easy
  to just put aside your feelings
  if im dreaming
  dont wanna let,hurt my feelings
  but thats the path,i believe in
  and i know that,time will heal it
  you didnt notice,you mean everything
  quickly im learning,to love again
  all i know is,imma be ok
  thought i couldnt live without you
  its gonna hurt when it heals to
  it'll all get better in time
  eventhough i really love you
  im gonna smile cause i deserve to
  it'll all get better in time
  since theres no more you and me
  its time i let you go so i can be free
  and live my life how it should be
  no matter how hard it is ill be fine without you
  yes i will
  thought i couldnt live without you
  its gonna hurt when it heals to
  it'll all get better in time
  eventhough i really love you
  im gonna smile cause i deserve to
  it'll all get better in time