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英语翻译BOXING.The rules which now govern professional boxing we

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 21:38:02
BOXING.The rules which now govern professional boxing were issued by the British Boxing Board of Control in 1929.For championships the ring is from 14 to 20 feet square and the gloves weigh 6 ounces.Fifteen rounds of 3 minutes' duration are fought,with a minute interval between each.The bout is won by a blow to the chin,heart,or solar plexus which knocks out the opponent for not less than 10 seconds- or a boxer may win on "points",which are scored for the number of blows or style of fighting.The winner of each round is given 5 points,the loser whatever proportion to this total he has earned.Points are scored for clean hits with the closed glove of either hand,and for skilful defensive work.Where two men are otherwise equal,the attacker benefits.Each boxer has a second whose duty it is to look after him between rounds,cooling him with a towel,sponging his face,and giving him advice- it is an old boxing saying that a good second is half the battle.
英语翻译BOXING.The rules which now govern professional boxing we
现在职业拳击比赛采用的规则是1929年英国拳击理事会制定的.冠军赛要求拳击场面积为14-20平方英尺.手套重6盎司.比赛共15回合,每回合3分钟,每两个回合中间休息1分钟.击中对手的下巴,胸口,胃并使对手倒地不少于10秒钟,拳击选手就赢得一个回合.拳击选手也通过击中的次数和部位得分获胜.每赢得一个回合得5分,输的一方就获得他这一回合总共的得分.用任何一只握紧拳套的手击中对方,或者技巧性的自我防御都可得分. 在双方运动员近距离的连续对打中,应该在对打结束时评判分数.根据双方对打时所占优势的程度,将分数判给优势大的运动员.每个拳击手都有个助手.助手的工作是在回合之间照顾拳击手,用毛巾给拳击手擦汗,是他冷静下来,揉揉他的脸,给他建议.拳击界有句老话,有一个好的助手,比赛就赢了一半.