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英语翻译我要做英语值日 需要这样一个东西 谢谢咯^^最好主题好点呢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 10:56:46
我要做英语值日 需要这样一个东西 谢谢咯^^最好主题好点呢
英语翻译我要做英语值日 需要这样一个东西 谢谢咯^^最好主题好点呢
An Identity of One’s Own
In the eternal universe, every human being has a one-off chance to live-his existence is unique and irretrievable
Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions that are within the reach of anybody striving for them, But your experience of and feelings about life are your own and not to be shared. No one can live your life over again after your death. A full awareness of this will point out to you that the most important thing in your existence is your distinctive individuality or something special of yours. What really counts is not your worldly success but your peculiar insight into the meaning of life and your commitment to it, which add luster to your personality.
eternal adj. 永恒的
universe / n. 宇宙
one-off adj. 一次性的
unique / adj. 独一无二的
irretrievable / adj. 不可复原的
fame n. 名声
possession / n.财产
strive /v. 奋斗
distinctive/ adj. 与众不同的
individuality n. 个性
insight / n. 洞察力
commitment / n. 承担义务
luster / n. 光华
参考译文 活出个性
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self distrust blows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.
Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the unfailing child like appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station, so long as it receives message of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.
rosy  adj. 玫瑰色的
cheek  n. 脸颊
supple  adj. 柔软的
vigor  n. 精力
freshness  n. 清新
temperamental  adj. 气质上的
predominance  n. 优势
timidity  n. 胆怯
appetite  n. 爱好,欲望,胃口
wrinkle  v. (使)皱 n. 皱纹
enthusiasm  n. 积极性
distrust  n. 不信任
unfailing  adj. 经久不衰的
aerial  n. 天线
cynicism  n. 玩世不恭
pessimism  n. 悲观主义
optimism  n. 乐观主义
参考译文 青春
青春不是人生的一段时间,而是一种心态;青春不在于满面红光 ,嘴唇红润,腿脚麻利,而在于意志刚强,想象的丰富,情感的饱满;青春是生命之泉的明澈清新.
 青春意味着在气质上勇敢战胜怯懦,进取精神战胜安逸享受.这种气质在60岁的老人中比在20岁的青年中更常见.仅仅一把年纪决不会导致衰老.我们之所以老态龙钟,是因为我们放弃了对理想的追求.
 岁月的流逝会在皮肤上留下皱纹,而热情的丧失却会给灵魂刻下皱纹.焦虑、恐惧和缺乏自信会使心情沮丧,意志泯灭.
 无论是60岁,还是16岁,每一个人的心田都有着寻根问底、追求人生乐趣的不泯童心.在你我的心田中有座无线电台,只要它能接受来自人类和上帝的美感、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量,你就永葆青春.
 如果你收起天线,给自己的心灵蒙上一层玩世不恭的霜雪和悲观厌世的冰凌,既使你年方二十 ,你已垂垂老矣;但只要你竖起天线去收集乐观进取的电波,那就有希望在你八十高龄辞世之时仍然青春焕发.
英语翻译我要做英语值日 需要这样一个东西 谢谢咯^^最好主题好点呢 英语翻译我要做一个值日报告,大体内容是这样的.假设我在办一个拍卖会,我有三样东西来拍卖:时间,事业,快乐.我要一一拍卖他 求翻译一下。同学们,大家好。今天我给大家讲一个笑话。名字叫做醉酒。蟹蟹学霸。因为要做英语值日报告,谢谢咯。 六年级英语值日报告我是一个六年级小学生,老师要我们做值日报告,要简单点的,我值日时是星期四,我喜欢看书,喜欢吃柠檬,麻烦 英语翻译我们老师要求英语值日,谁帮下我,内容为“大家好,让我为你讲个笑话,…(后跟一个笑话)”谢谢 要易董 有翻译 英语翻译我要做英语值日报告,希望哥哥姐姐们帮我翻译几句话~1.今天轮到我为大家做值日报告2.今天是2010年11月16日 太阳能 英语简介需要一个太阳能英语简介,初一生做值日报告的词汇不要太难 英语翻译班上搞英语值日 就是每天上课前搞一个表演,麻烦帮我把开场白翻译成英文:今天是我英语值日(好像是duty repo 英语翻译我是一个初中生,我英语不算太好.今天是我做值日报告.家里的电脑坏了,不能做PPT.我生于一个中产阶级家庭,家里有 我是最后一个值日的 我期待下次值日 用英语翻译一下 英语值日报告翻译~~~谢谢 我要做一个英语演讲,内容需要有趣一些?帮我想写主题好吗?