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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 18:12:26
The United States has in the space shuttle Atlantis on 8 July morning wishing points, began smooth launch last trip into space, twelve or thirteen days after day returns to earth, it will end the last space mission. Have nearly americans watched the launch site, its scale is no less than 1981 years the general situation of the Columbia. Just the American people this time in pride at the same time, in mind also can't help but feel lost...
Since 2008 the United States started from the world economic crisis, since the United States, Japan, Europe and other countries and regions in the heavy economic depression now, three years later, still persistent. The United States currently has a latest domestic news is, employment conditions in the us, the unemployment rate continues to worsen for three consecutive months up; The United States Treasury bonds is about to expire, and democracy, the republican party can't fight, two national debt improve cap can reach... All show that domestic economic problem has already become the United States pressing problem. The space shuttle Atlantis is the end of the task, can't say the U.S. space industry on the immobilized, but to want to achieve its former glory, is quite difficult. After that the United States of the space industry development to a period, such as the return to the moon plan will be put on hold indefinitely.
The Atlantis after service, a country can only Russia global manned to fly on the international space station, and let people surprise is the emerging countries because of the economy development and the strength of the space industry is to try to improve, such as China, India, South Korea, Brazil, these countries have their own space planning, especially in China, has been realized the manned space, the goddess of the moon exploration plan also plan and steps in the implementation of land. Of course, also want to see all of the emerging economies in space technology is also facing difficult to on to conquer difficulties, still want to spend a lot of time to go to the United States, Russia repeatedly development space technology of the trip.
As is known to all, space technology is also a national strategic resources are as far as possible with exclusive. So, the reality of the situation is that these emerging economies space ideal although brilliant sparkle, although national strength has enough, but still have a long way to go. When space technology and space only to be one, two countries, when there are American monopoly announced that the shuttle era the end of time, people are starting to ask, to a space exploration of human because of economic power to really insufficient or technical barriers and stopped? Why can't cooperate, for global ability, the ability of mankind to explore space? Space was belongs to all mankind, do not belong to which countries.
Atlantis is a "episode in the tour" at the same time, the emerging economies of the space industry has just started a new beginning, exploring outer space steps will not stop, put have human scientific research results on the shelf is not the right choice. There are reasons to expect in space on human can exchange and cooperation in the field, just as China advocates: cooperation and win-win, is the tremendous power of human development and direction.
英语翻译美国亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机已于7月8日上午10:29分顺利升空,开始了最后一次太空之旅,十二天或十三天后将返回地球 2003年10月15日上午9是,“神舟5号”开始升空,至第二天早上6时30分返回地面.航天员杨利伟在太空中生活了 我国自行研究的“神舟三号”飞船于2002年3月25日升空,4月1日顺利返回地面,在6天零18小时的时间里环绕地球转了10 我国自行研制的神舟三号飞船于2002年3月25日升空,4月1日顺利返回地面,在6天零18小时的时间里环绕地球转了108圈 “神舟七号载人飞船于2008年9月25日21时10分发射升空,2008年9月28日17是37分返回地面,它在太空遨游了多 我国神舟六号载人飞船在2005年10月12日上午9时整顺利升空,在2005年10月17日凌晨4时33分成功返回. 我国自行研制的“神舟六号”载人飞船于2005年10月12日上午9时顺利发射成功.它在太空绕地球转了77圈,绕地球一圈大约 “神舟”五号飞船于2003年10月15日上午9时整成功发射升空.在太空经过21小时23分,共绕地球14圈,进行约60万千 “嫦娥二号”卫星于2010年10月1日18时59分57秒在西昌卫星发射中心发射升空,开始了奔月旅程。5天后抵达距离月球仅 我国第一次载人航天飞行“神舟五号”于2003年10月15日上午9时发射,在太空经过21时23分返回地面,它绕地球14圈( “神舟”五号飞船于2003年10月15日上午9时成功升空,绕地球飞行14圈后,10月16日凌晨7时23分安全着陆.它在空 【求正午太阳高度角】 美国发现号航天飞机于当地时间2011年2月24日16时50分发射升空