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A policeman or two or three is to help them out of the troub

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 12:43:40
A policeman or two or three is to help them out of the trouble
A policeman or two or three is to help them out of the troub
"a / an + 单名+ or two " 大多接单数谓语: "one or two + 复名"接复数谓语.
  ①Only a word or two is (are )needed. 只需说一两句.
  ②One or two reasoms were suggested . 提出一两条理由.
再问: 这个和or就近原则没关系嘛?
再答: 按照上面的解释,题中用单数复数都可以,如果one or two or three policemen,则只能用谓语动词的复数形式了,我也是找了一大堆,大部分的解释都是这样的。 单数应该好些吧,复数也不能说就是错的,语言本身就很灵活的,你可以这样理解,or two or three 在这更多像with,主体在前面A policeman,嘿嘿,这些都是细枝末节,应试教育把我们都教坏了:-D
再问: 哦 觉得这个应该要用复数,Neither you nor I nor anybody else knows anything about it. 和A policeman or two or three is to help them out of the trouble有点异曲同工的感觉
再答: or two or three着重在于"附加说明"更像with ,只能这么揣摩了。而Neither you nor I nor anybody else 三个是并列的成分,就进原则,和anybody else一致