作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.Father___ his cap and went out.a.put on b.puts on c.had pu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 12:15:18
1.Father___ his cap and went out.a.put on b.puts on c.had put d.will put on 2.He can't go to the cinema with me because he ___a meeting.a.was have b.would have c.is having d.had 3.___this film___ last week?a.Did; show b.Has; been shown c.Was; shown d.Was; be shown 4.It seems it__?a.will rain b.shall rain c.rains d.is going to rain 5.Where is Jenny?She___in the next room.a.do some reading b.does some reading c.is doing some reading d.will do some reading 6.His sister___ cakes.That's why her hands are all covered with flour.a.makes b.made c.will make d.is making 书上给出的答案是a;c;c;c;d;d不知道为什么这么选啊,
1.Father___ his cap and went out.a.put on b.puts on c.had pu
and前后连接的成分是一样的,时态就要一样,后面是一般过去时went,所以前面也要用一般过去时,故选a can't是用于描述说话当前的状况的,所以空里也要填一个当前的状况,a说法是不存在的,b是过去将来时,d是一般过去时,只有c是用于说明当前的,正在进行时 film是电影,不会主动发出动作,所以肯定是被播放,所以要用被动语态be+过去分词 it seems是对眼前情况的描述,“看起来……”,而且气象一类的题是很特别的,用it作主语,那么最常用的就是动词的单三形式 a\b的说法都是错的,因为句中没有谓语了,我个人认为应该选c,因为前者问“珍妮在哪?”也就是在问她现在在哪,那么回答者当然要说明她现在的状态,所以要用正在进行时,而d是她将要进行的动作,就答非所问了 a是总在做,c是将要做,依题意首先要排除这两个选项,因为后半句用的是are,说明她手上正在沾着面粉,所以也就是说她正在做蛋糕,所以选正在进行时 回答完毕o(∩_∩)o